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In addition to flogging the tired spookiness of the whole six degrees of separation meme, ABC's upcoming Six Degrees show has dared to mount not just any viral campaign, but a viral campaign where hirelings accost random citizens while masquerading as characters from the show:

I was on the 1 train heading uptown this morning and noticed an attractive, well-dressed man standing not far from me. I saw him write something down, and just before he got off, he handed it to me. It read: "Remember me? Get in touch. - Steven" and it gave his address as "". When you go to, you are redirected to - what else - And if you write to the email address, this is the automated reply that you get back: "Hey, good to hear from you. I definitely think we know each other... take a look at my website ( to see if you remember ... -Steven". And sure enough, the address redirects you to

Yep, that's the pretentiously opaque Six Degrees website. And "Steven Caseman" is the character played in the show by Campbell Scott, when Scott isn't threatening to blow up alien queen Daryl Hannah. The other Six Degrees character names are "Carlos Green," "Whitney Crane," "Mae Anderson," "Damian" (or "Damien," no last name either way), and "Laura" (also no last name). If anyone giving those names approaches you with a note — especially with a address — feel free to beat them until they confess. Or just send us a photo of them so others can administer the beating.