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"We currently have sufficient evidence to indict people both within Hewlett-Packard Co. as well as contractors on the outside," California Attorney General Bill Lockyer told PBS's Jim Lehrer last week. Now the New York Times says Lockyer has a tough case to press. Valleywag friend Chris Coulter says Lockyer sees this as his shot at stardom.

Gotta pressy source saying Lockyer is going to the mat on this, he wants to Eliot Spitzer himself, he's going press suck-up, alerting the media and doing masssssive interviews, publicity hound style (one of my sources has had 2 interviews with him ALREADY).

If you are sick of the coverage already, prepare to be even sicker...and then some. Spizter and Lockyer did that joint Microsoft statement [in the antitrust case of several years back], it kinda went fizzle. But point being, Spitzer and Lockyer are joint at the hip on a number of issues. Lockyer sorta wants to share limelight, least the journo feeling.

— Chris Coulter

Fuzzy Laws Come Into Play in the H.P. Pretexting Case [NY Times]