The AP reports on the latest attempt by The Man to bring you down: the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy is uploading 30-second anti-drug PSAs to YouTube, tagging them with stoner-friendly words like "420," "marijuana," and "weed." Then, nestled amongst the Grateful Dead homages and bong-smoking videos, you'll find a handful of spots uploaded by YouTube user ONDCPstaff. Subversive, no? We don't know about you, but we're feeling inexplicably betrayed. How dare the White House spread its message using means that aren't mired in red tape! How dare they spoil the wilds of internet! How dare they encroach upon the people's turf!

Anyhow: Above, our personal favorite, which has us cackling (not surprising, given that we're still in our pajamas and refuse to work without stimulants). As for the pro-drug messages, they're being uploaded to MySpace. Those people deserve to OD.

White House Uploads Anti-Drug Videos to YouTube [AP]
ONDCPstaff's Videos [YouTube]