Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this edition of the Stalk: Jessica Simpson, Seth Green, Jim Belushi, Brian Grazer, Tracy Morgan, Jessica Biel, Woody Allen, Gabriel Byrne, Parker Posey, Mandy Moore and Wilmer Valderrama, Elijah Wood, Ad-Rock, Steven Tyler, Cynthia Nixon, Jack Nicholson, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler, Leelee Sobieski, Alicia Silverstone, Rachel Zoe, Emily Rossum, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Simon and Edie Brickell, Spike Lee, Ryan Cabrera, Seann William Scott, Gene Simmons, Al Pacino, Liev Schreiber, Jack Nicholson, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler, Bruce Willis, Devon Aoki, Lou Reed, Russell Crowe, Aida Turturo, Anna Wintour, Patrick Ewing, Anderson Cooper, Alessandra Ambrosio, Carrot Top and, from the Earl Grey, Ivanka Trump and Larry Gagosian.

Wow! I thought I was drunk! But standing in front of me 10 mins ago in the lobby of The Ritz was Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves darting for the elevator! She is beautiful!

Sunday night, walking on Second Ave at 51st St., saw Seth Green with two friends headed east. He's short, but I guess we already knew that.

Saturday 9/16, 10:30pm. Jim Belushi at Prohibition (Columbus & 84th). He got up and sang, "Twist and Shout" with the band.

Brian Grazer, standing at the corner of Sullivan and Prince talking on his cell phone while his son (in a Jeter shirt) rode his scooter up and down the street. Brian's attempts to appear youthful (spiky hair, Adidas, camouflage pants) were thwarted by his wrinkles.

Tracy Morgan at Cafeteria around 2 or 3am last night. The buzz around the room was all about his lady friend's red booty shorts. I was excited about my mac & cheese.

Saw Jessica Biel out drinking last night in the East Village at Sin Sin on Second Ave. Shorter than I thought she would be, and not very glam, wearing a Red Sox t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail. Maybe came from the game with some friends from Tufts? Don't think she graduated.

Saw Woody Allen saying goodbye to a small group outside of Shun Lee palace on 55th st on Saturday. he looked small and frail with signature glasses. Got into passenger seat of a black Mercedes.

Sunday, September 17, 11:30 am. I saw a disheveled looking Gabriel Byrne heading to Atlantic Antic with a Sunday Times in one hand and a gorgeous Brazilian woman in the other.

Parker Posey was hanging out in the East Village with friends enjoying some ice cream with Gracie Posey running around begging for food. She was at Sundaes and Cones on 10th street, between 3rd and 4th ave at 11:15 pm on Sept. 16th. Parker looked great in her t-shirt and jeans...but no ice cream for Gracie.

Saw Mandy Moore and Wilmer Valderrama sitting with a group of friends at The Spotted Pig (314 West 11th Street) on Friday, September 15 around 11pm.

Elijah Wood spotted at the Brooklyn Heights promenade, taking in the beautiful Manhattan skyline around 2pm today. He was decked out in hipster-wear, and sporting a pre-pubescent sideburns.

Ad-Rock of the Beastie Boys, having a beer with a young lady at a sidewalk table at Fiddlesticks on Greenwich Ave. He grew up & went to school down the block I read somewhere...all I know is he looked HOT.

September 15 at 11:15pm: Steven Tyler at the Barnes & Noble at Lincoln (Broadway and 66th street) purchasing a big stack of books (couldn't see what they were) and accompanied by a statuesque brunette. He looked like he was wearing make-up with highlights in his hair.

Saw Cynthia Nixon today (Sept. 16) on an uptown #1 train at 116th Street Station with her cute kid on her lap, both soaking wet from the rain. Who knows where she could have been headed above 116th Street.

Just saw Leelee Sobieski (remember her? where she been?) at Eastern Bloc on (e.6th)...She's kinda pretty in person, with long blond hair and wearing all black. With some gay guys.

I saw a very hungry vegan Alicia Silverstone rush past me on 23rd on her way to 7th ave. We made eye contact and she looked surprised as if to say, "What? People still know who I am?" this was at 5:15pm

Saw Rachel Zoe at the Tasti-D-Lite today at Spring and Sullivan. Was with a male friend. She looked chic and was smoking a cigarette as always.

12-3 am—Emmy Rossum at Libation on the LES acting like a diva and trying to flirt with a NBA player.

LaGuardia Airport 9 AM: Just saw Kareem Abdul-Jabbar at the US Airways gate. This guy is tall. He was with a woman in a wheel chair. He was wearing Lakers clothes and is on the same flight as my sister (in first class).

Saw Paul Simon and Edie Brickell eating at The Spotted Pig around 8pm last night. They are cute together. She's large and he's quite small. We sat near the kitchen and could hear the cooks singing "Kodachrome".

Spike Lee was on the steps of Hamilton, a building on Columbia University's main Morningside Heights campus, chatting on his cellphone about this documentary project he was working on.

At Stereo last night (Friday 9/15) - Ryan Cabrera and Seann William Scott were in the VIP section- Ryan in his ever present hat, Seann in his ever present scruff. That Constantine guy from "American Idol" joined their booth later on. And, to make for a very bizarre mix, Gene Simmons arrived with a posse of skank-tastic girls, with whom he openly enjoyed some nose candy all night long. I wish it was the kinda-hot son instead of the elder Simmons.

At Fifth Avenue and 58th Street at 10:00am on September 14th I saw Al Pacino get out of a black limo wearing a blue sweatshirt saying "All-Right Cleaning Service" on it along with a female.

Saw Liev Schreiber at Bar Pitti (between Bleecker and Houston Streets) last night around 7:30pm, having dinner with another male. Although he had to wait for a table, he occupied his time by sitting on the bench & going thru his blackberry. Liev was wearing all black & looking very sexy, as usual!

Just saw Jack Nicholson coming out of Da Silvano restaurant at about 12:45pm. Late breakfast maybe? Looked really tired and wearing a long mac.

At Luzzo's pizza in the East Village, Sept. 13. Joe Perry and Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) walk in. Soon after that, I go downstairs to use the ladies room. I had to wait in line (it's just a one-person bathroom). When the door to the ladies room opens, out comes Steven Tyler, in all of his emaciated, leather-pants-wearing glory, saying, "ALL YOURS! Hey, everyone always says I look like a woman, so I figured I should take advantage!"

27th at 6th: September 14, 1 am...Sat next to Bruce Willis at Pink Elephant. Had an entourage of several guys. Saw him showing a girl a ring that looked like a wedding band. Did not know he remarried?

Devon Aoki Sunday Sept.17: about 6 PM. Walking down Broadway in front of Dean & Deluca, with a couple of people. Big Sunglasses. She looked hot. Not as tall as I'd have imagined for a model.

Lou Reed sitting in first class on a United flight from Denver to LaGuardia.
I just saw Russell Crowe shooting his new movie "American Gangster" at 175th and Ft. Washington Ave. He had a butt cut hair style and was wearing a brown leather MacGyver jacket.
Aida Turturo crossing 14th Street in Union Sqr. Holding shopping bags with friends, looks just like her character on Sopranos; same hair.

At about 9:38 am today (9/18) saw the Ms. Anna Wintour walking on Park Ave. b/w 56th and 57th with a man in a nice dark suit. Didn't get a good look at him cause I was late for work and staring at her huge Chanel sunglasses. She was also wearing a dark suit. Nothing too crazy. She blended in with all the other people.

I was leaving the Gansevoort hotel Saturday night, absolutely drunk as a skunk, when I see a 7ft Patrick Ewing and a 6 person deep entourage leaving Pastis. I yelled PATRICK, stumbled across the street and gave him a fist pound. I asked him where he was going partying but he said he was going to bed, and recommended I do the same.

Saturday 9/16 about 5pm—Anderson Cooper and his blue blue blue eyes walked by Pop Burger on 9th ave and 15th street, stared inside a little bit, as if considering, and then kept on walking north up 9th avenue. i wish he would have eaten a burger next to me!

9/16 late Saturday night, so really 9/17 early Sunday morning - 4am - Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio walked into chorus karaoke on 32nd street in Koreatown as we were walking out. Tiny white shorts, legs for miles, with a guy and a girl. She hugged the host, they seemed to be old friends.

I saw Carrot Top leaving Rubulad (at the CSV Center on Rivington and Suffolk) on Saturday night as my friends and I were heading in. He was wearing pigtails.

[Ed: Standard disclaimer: what follows is the latest unedited offering from the Earl Grey.]

Ivanka Trump + Larry Gagosian
Saturday Sept. 16, 2006
Part One: IVANKA TRUMP: 2:15 pm I'm heading up Madison to check out some fall art shows. As I cross 69th St. on the East side IVANKA TRUMP and a girlfriend turn the northeast corner of Madison and head south. I've seen Ivanka before and she is a tall young woman, I would say today she was about 5'10" in ballet flats. She presents herself impeccably well. Her hair is a very light shade of blonde, peroxide white-yellow blonde actually, and it had that ironed-straight look that was so popular about 2-3 years ago. Even on a Saturday afternoon, when most of us are more casual or even sloppy, her hair was beautifully cut & coiffed, hanging as white-golden curtains below her shoulders, long straight & lustrous. She has fantastic skin, a peach pink shade, and absolutely clear. She had the faintest, subtlest covering of light makeup on her cheeks & forehead but it was barely perceptible until I was close up. Her lips, which are a bit thin & pursed, had the faintest, palest colour on them, also perhaps a very light peach or pink. Her styling & beauty look was highly evolved & yet also girly & natural this afternoon.

She wore a black dress with shoulder straps in an interesting fabric pattern, appearing to be a light delicate silk. Imagine the Chase bank logo, the 4 linked lines with cut corners at the sides and a small square hole in the middle? Ivanka's dress had that repeating graphic pattern over & over on the dress, each one about the size of a penny, over & over on her dress in black. And the inside square of each little silk element was sheer, you could literally see through the center hole, which created a lightness &
also a subtle peek a boo effect all over the dress. There may also have been a faint light coloured lining to the dress, Ivanka looked supported at the bust and waist, but still the feminine peepshow effect existed on this artfully patterned black silk dress. There was also a dark blue hem of perhaps 2 inches at the bottom of the dress, which fell just at her knees. I love the interplay of black with midnight blue, and the designer of Ivanka's dress worked in that palette and also with the girlish, free feelng of the lattice-worked, basket-woven, Chase pattern, all over in the black silk. Ivanka wore ballet flats, they were leather, I believe of a silver tone, possibly with a very small bow. The design & shape reminded me of a Belgian loafer design, but since I'm not Chuck Jones, I don't know that much about women's shoes & I don't fetishize over various Trump family members' footwear. Ivanka was accompanied by a preppy looking blonde friend. I would estimate Ivanka's age at about 22. I would guess her friend more like 25-26. They looked like they might work together, her friend had a very 'young banker' vibe to her, serious, stable, in control & precise. Her friend looked fairly stiffly preppy, her blonde hair was pulled back on her head. Her clothes were neat in a Connecticut manner but definitely unspectacular, as opposed to Ivanka's ensemble, which was truly stylish, flirty & impressive. If I had to guess the brand of Ivanka's black/blue silk shift dress, I would say Louis Vuitton first, then maybe Stella McCartney, or even Marc Jacobs or YSL, but again some of you out there are going to know ladies' clothing significantly better than myself, understandably. Ive seen Ivanka before, more than 2 years ago, and I am going to make a personality evaluation here. I last saw Ivanka at Sin E on the Lower East Side, December 2003, when we attended model Karen Elson's spine-tingling solo singing performance [followed by Secret Machines blowing the roof off]. At Sin E, no one recognized Ivanka & her brother Eric, she was simply standing at the bar complaining about something in his ear, looking supernaturally radiant, but no one approached her at all, including myself. Fast forward almost 3 years later, Ivanka is hugely famous on "The Apprentice." She was acting that way this afternoon. Her head was tilted back high in an arrogant manner. She knew I & probably hundreds more were recognizing & checking her out on Madison today. Her friend more or less revelled in my attention and smiled as I sized up Ivanka's high fashion look. Between the harshly fake blonde hair & her arrogant, The Donald-like self-satisfied complacency, I found Ivanka, just 2+ years later, far less attractive in a real-life way than that night at Sin E when she was pretty
much unknown. When I saw her in an ivory silk dress & cream cashmere overcoat at Sin E, I thought to myself, it's amazing that beasts like The Donald & Ivana could create such a sweet creamy-complexioned cherub like Ivanka. Well, post-"Apprentice," Ivanka is suddenly acting much more like her arrogant & egotistic [short fingered vulgarian] father The Donald, and it affected her over-all beauty vibe & personality appeal. That's just the way I saw it this late summer afternoon on Madison Avenue.

Part Two:
LARRY GAGOSIAN: Following on my Ivanka sighting at 2:15, I sauntered up Madison on this pleasantly sunny Saturday, stopping briefly at 3 Guys coffee shoppe on 76th for a quick hot chocolate. My next stop, at 2:45 pm, was Larry Gagosian's art gallery at 980 Madison Ave., for Damien Hirst's "Corpus," a mammoth show of perhaps 250 of his preparatory study drawings for his well-known artworks in several media. I wasn't paying Hirst's calculatedly subversive pencil drawings terribly much mind, until something caught my attention in the largest exhibition room on the 6th floor: there was Larry Gagosian himself, escorting 3 casually dressed, LA hipster -looking collectors [?] through the whys & wherefores of the Hirst drawing show! I had run into Larry twice before this year, on April 18th & 22nd [livejournal link: ] so I was interested to see how Larry was doing 5 months later, and of course to listen in on his guided tour of the Hirst show for these seemingly untutored but nascent-collector LA visitors. Larry was arrayed, as usual, casually but neatly. He wore a grey/steel blue suit coat jacket, looking quite new and with a slightly shiny texture to the silk coat fabric. He wore a blue & white pencil striped dress shirt, amusingly enough precisely the same shirt I was sporting this afternoon, although his was spread collared & tucked in, while mine was Brooks Bros. button down which I wore untucked over my Starz vintage rock tee shirt. He looked like a billion dollars. I looked an unshaven, unkempt mess. Larry's trousers were chino khakis, straight leg and so long as to bunch up at the top of his shoes. If I were Larry's stylist [I doubt he has one, he has a distinctly rumpled, carefree, "I got mine," personal style] I would suggest either cuffs on the khakis, or more in keeping with his "Saturday casual" look, to actually roll them up by hand one or two folds at the bottom. That's what I do with my Ralph Lauren 'Philip Pant' khakis, which Larry's most closely resembled in colour & fabric surface. On my Brooks Bros. chinos, I have the Brooks' tailors give me a flat bottom hem on the more casual khakis, and then a cuff on the more formal, dressy tan sport slacks. His belt was a brown leather belt with a functional silver oblong buckle. Larry shoes were a medium brown leather slip-on. Not penny-loafer style, heavier, closer to the LL Bean blucher moccassin slip on design, but Larry's solid slip-ons were far better quality than Bean's. In fact, I think Ive seen the exact shoes Larry was wearing today in the window of Santoni's Italian shoes on Madison Ave. between 70th & 71st Street: 864 Madison just 6 blocks south of Larry's gallery, so it's entirely possible that Larry really did buy these quality, heavy brown Italian slip-ons at Santoni.

Larry's grey hair was very neatly cut today, a salt & pepper brush cut, quite natty & closely shorn. When I saw Larry last spring, I was surprised at how ruddy & even pock-marked his complexion was. Well today, just a few feet further away, his skin looked soft, pink & unmarked! Seemingly Larry had got some very good dermatological advice in the last 5 months, and Im sure he had just had a shave this Saturday before coming to work. Larry's guests were dressed casually, like 3 LA hipsters, about 30 years
old, maybe in the music business? Yet Larry deferred to them to some degree, taking them through the massive Hirst show. While certain Hirst works are thoughtful and impressive, even novel, to my mind, just as many of his works mis-fire. He is kind of an everything plus the kitchen sink artist, even in the specific media & ideas that he takes on; some of which are extremely effective and even original in an art world where almost nothing looks new anymore. The same is true of his drawings, only moreso. It was fascinating to see the preparatory sketches for the coloured dot paintings; the spin-art
rotating wheel paintings; hand drawn dice, pharmaceutical chests & dissected sharks. But beyond a few dozen insightful drawings, most of this pencil show to me was drab, non-instructive, and worst of all, sketchy!! Most of these paper pieces DIDN'T lend insight into Hirst's fertile mind and intuitive methods. Yet there was Larry, lecturing his guests on their importance & explaining Hirst's thoughts & processes regarding some pretty bare-boned & vague sketches. Larry indicated that every drawing in this cavernous room was $85,000, excepting one of 3 skulls, which was $125,000. Hirst is definitely one of the blue-chip, investment-worthy living artists, but I would never pay $90,000 including tax for one of these fairly plain & nearly-unfinshed sketches. Another amusing note was Larry explaining that a particular drawing was based on Francis Bacon's portrait of George Dyer. Bacon's portrait is memorable, but the drawing Larry was pointing to doesn't show Dyer or any human subject at all: it's a pencil sketch of the EMPTY CHAIR that Dyer is sitting in!!!! I wonder how appreciative the LA music biz hipsters were of Larry's teachings on that particular piece & retail opportunity. Still, Hirst's show is worthwhile for anyone who has admired his wide-ranging repertoire, and his slightly sick & self-consciously transgressive mind that obsesses over human frailty, modern conveniences & medicine, chemical dependencies & inevitable human & animal mortality.