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Banksy, Banksy, Banksy. We submitted, and checked out the show on Sunday, along with 25,000 others willing to weather the punishing sun in the easy-to-digest hipster-art equivalent of a Russian bread line. Inside, we were pleasantly surprised—aroused even—by the candy-colored eye-crack on display. (Watching a prank on YouTube just doesn't have the same effect as seeing actual, giant cockroaches shit all over the "Paris" CD cover.) And while we were secretly disappointed there was no gift store where we could pick up a "smooching Bobbies" hoodie on the way out, we weren't left completely souvenir-less, as we return over and over to your celebrity PrivacyWatch submissions to relive the happy memories of our day covered in sweat and jockeying for sight lines at the most overly publicized unpublicized event of the season.

Had a triple sighting while at the super hip Banksy show on Sunday. When I was entering saw Jason Lee holding young Pilot Inspektor(work out, kid. One day you'll be in a bunch of fights). Then I see none other than Sacha Baron Cohen. Wicked. He politely refused to take a picture with a couple of fans. He did however offer to take a picture of them. Seemed very nice and spoke to everyone that approached. Then, I pass John Taylor of Duran Duran. He counts? There were a few other minor celebs that I haven't yet taken the time to learn their names.

More sightings after the jump.

saw beck in a booth and 'joan of arcadia' amber tamblyn and her dad russ tamblyn walking around at the bansky show on Sunday. it was really really hot in there.

As I walked into the Banky show, Giovanni Ribisi was walking out—short hair, lean and muscular and tan. Gotta admit, Ribisi looked great. I thought I'd spot more famous faces, but I didn't.

Just left the banksy warehouse show. In attendance: christina aguilera, mila kunis and macaulay culkin, and zooey deschanel. Xtina looking at banksy's britney painting: 'well it does look like her...'