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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so start sending them in more often! Send yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you heard the voice of Roger Rabbit bringing some laughter and light to the lives of the downtrodden patrons of a Starbucks in the Valley.

In today's episode: Jessica Simpson; Lindsay Lohan; Robert Downey Jr.; David Spade and Kevin Farley; Hugh Hefner and The Girls Next Door; Simon Cowell; Danny DeVito and Danny Bonaduce; Jason Alexander; Amy Adams and Paula Malcomson; Tate Donovan; Harry Hamlin; Charles Fleischer and Tawny Kitaen.

· Yesterday (Wednesday) - early afternoon. Jessica Simpson was shopping at Ralph's supermarket, 12842 Ventura Blvd, Studio City. Someone must have tipped the press as a gang of paparazzi and a Channel 2 TV news truck lurked out front.

· Saw Lindsay Lohan shopping with her mom at Century City today. She actually looked cute, but I couldn't tell if she had freckles coming out of her vagina or not...

· Saw a very studly looking Robert Downey Jr. lunch at Lilly's in Venice Friday September 8th.

· Saw David Spade and Kevin Farley (brother of Chris) at the Rainbow Room before the +44 show next door. I'd imagine that Spade is a HUGE +44 fan, but I didn't see him at the show. Sighting rules dictate that since Kevin was in both Tommy Boy and Black Sheep, this counts as seeing Spade and Chris together.

· Thank goodness I'm moving away from LA next week, as I don't think I could ever have a funnier celeb sighting. As I was driving home from pole dancing class on Thursday, along Melrose, I see Hugh Hefner and the Girls Next Door in front of the Improv. He's less old looking and more waxy than I would have thought, where as they looked exactly as I would have thought. While the sheer number of cameras and posing and preening might indicate that there was some kind of event, I drove home happily imagining Hef and co at a regular crappy improv comedy show shouting out non-hilarious things like "cherry picker!" every time some poor sweaty comedian shouts out "Ok, what's my job?"

· Saw Simon Cowell at the AA terminal in LAX on Sunday (9/10). He was chatting up a blonde while his girlfriend collected all their luggage. If that didn't show enough lack of manners, when his phone rang instead of answering it himself he tossed it to her so that it wouldn't interrupt his conversation.

· Saw Danny DeVito AND Danny Bonaduce both going to the same 2:30 pm showing of "Hollywoodland" at the Arclight, on Wednesday, Sept. 13.

Danny B looks like he's been rode hard and put away wet.

· Monday 9/11 I was sitting jury duty.....well, waiting in that big jury holding cell....with JASON ALEXANDER. Don't know if he got called since I was in the first group. He was chatting with a friend he had run into there, and she managed to get excused immediately. Didn't catch the conversation.

· I forgot to promptly send in these two Hollywood Bowl sightings from the Willie Nelson, etc. concert on Sunday night:

Amy Adams, very pretty and petite in line for drinks before the show.

I was happy enough with that, but the gods were smiling, and who should be chatting with friends in our very row (section L, kind of high up average seats), but my favorite HBO whore, Paula Malcomson aka Trixie on "Deadwood." Since it was in between sets, my husband complimented her on her fine work and she actually started chatting with us, telling us she cancelled her HBO already and hopes the two planned movies work out. Very gracious and sweet, and superpretty in person—and so tiny! Her Irish accent is of course charming as well. She's a damn fine actress, since she was nothing like the volatile Old West prostitute she plays on T.V.

· 9/12: A bonafide B-list celebrity sighting at the Whole Foods Westwood around 6 pm. Tate Donovan, looking thinner and longer in the tooth than I expected, talking on his black razr and walking around the deli section. Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Aniston hit that???

· Tuesday 9/12, 10:30 p.m. at The Grove - Harry Hamlin strolling through the quiet shopping complex sans Ms. Rinna, looking casual in blue jeans and sneakers, holding a plastic bag and listening to something on headphones - maybe it was the samba or waltz, considering he was starting on Dancing with the Stars that very night.

· Charles Fleischer was at Starbucks in Sherman Oaks on 9/12/06 at 10:00AM making everyone laugh. He was pointing to the bake case for his order and asked for the fly buzzing around in the case. "I'll have the fly, is it fresh? I don't want any frozen flies," he said and the Starbucks employee responded by saying that their flies were, "Free range, with no hormones or additives."
I died.

· 9/12 at Neiman Marcus, on the escalator: Tawny Kitaen, looking frazzled, as if she expected Florence Henderson to jump out from behind the better sportswear section