Thanks to this week's sponsors, whose blood money allows us to buy that ridiculous striped balloon dress thingy that Marc Jacobs just showed. Fabulousness! Interested in putting us in your pocket? More info here.

Best Buy, Black Dahlia, Humane Society, American Apparel, La Rocca, Mediabistro, Employee of the Month, Randomhouse, 8th & Ocean, Hard Candy, The U.S. vs. John Lennon, Unknown White Male, The New School, Studio 60, Queer as Folk, Guy and Rodd, Rogue's Gallery and the Lemonheads.

You like free stuff, right? Win tickets to Andrew Bujalski's Mutual Appreciation; details after the jump.

The folks at Goodbye Cruel Releasing are giving away 10 tickets to Andrew Bujalski's Mutual Appreciation, playing at the Cinema Village. The first 10 people to email with Gawker Ticket Giveway in the subject line win; you'll be notified if you're a lucky one, and a ticket will be held in your name at the Cinema Village for any show this Saturday or Sunday.

By emailing your entry, you agree to our Contest Rules and have pledged your devotion to Satan.