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We're not sure if you watch Dateline's To Catch a Predator — the internet pedophile-busting series that has captivated a nation! — but last night, NBC vigilante Chris Hanson busted a few Georgian boys who thought they were about to tap some underage ass. No big deal, just another Wednesday night of taunting men until they actually commit suicide on air. (Don't miss the wonderful "my thang in your mouth" clip.)

If you're a fan of such things, you'll probably appreciate the MySpace page belonging to one of last night's featured pedophiles. His interests don't include banging 13-year-old girls, but he does believe "JESUS ROCKS!" and his hero is God. Which is good, because at this point, he's in desperate need of divine intervention. Guess they don't let you manage your internet presence once you're in cuffs — too bad, because now angry, anti-pedophile commenters have totally ruined his blog.

Since the profile just might disappear, we've got screen caps after the jump.

Profile page 1

Profile page 2

Coggy [MySpace]