Short Ends: Suripoop Purchased

· Publicity-loving online gambling concern Golden Palace shells out ten grand for Suri Cruise's bronzed baby poop, which can now take its rightful place among the site's other pop curios, like the Britney Spears Pregnancy Test, William Shatner's Kidney Stone, and the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
Utter Wonder doodles a dramatic reenactment of Britney Spears' recent childbirth.
Everyone keeps fixating on the talking vagina sketch, but Damon Wayans' new show is about so much more than that.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's boundless love inspires some of the most touching cybersquatting we've ever seen.
Lonelygirl's creators are unmasked, and surprise! They're aspiring filmmaker types. We love twist endings like that.