Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation of said hotness. Send your stalking fun to

In this traditional version of the Stalk: Jon Stewart, Paris being Paris, James Frey being James Frey, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, Maria Sharapova, Victoria Beckham, Jared Leto, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, Zach Braff and Mark Ruffalo, President Bush and Governor Pataki, Winona Ryder, Jessica Simpson, Rosie Perez, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tommy Lee, Sarah Jessica Parker, Johnny Knoxville, Mya, Mike Wallace, Ving Rhames, Sarah Silverman, Henry Kissinger, Chris Cornell, Isaac Mizrahi, Molly Shannon, Martha Stewart, Rick and Kathy Hilton, Aaron Eckhart, Adam Sandler, Elijah Wood, Hank Azaria, Jon Lovitz, Regis Philbin, Al Roker, and Corky from Life Goes On.

Jon Stewart, 6th ave and 11th street, Sunday 6:00 pm: I caught Jon Stewart walking down the street with his son (?) and wife pushing a stroller. He was carrying his older son on his shoulder, sharing a waffle cone with chocolate covered ice cream topped with sprinkles with the kid. They were alternating licks as they walked down the street with him yelling, 'Come on buddy, one more lick. You can do it! Ok yeah, one more big guy!' and kissing and hugging. My biological clock kicked me down the curb the second I saw this heinous display of ridiculous cuteness. He's a little taller than I thought he would be and amazing with kids—damn his frumpy wife.

Disgraced writer James Frey walking down Broadway between Broome and Grand, Sept. 11, around 3:40 p.m. In full disguise: full trimmed beard, black glasses, baseball cap, grungy t-shirt, camouflage shorts, pushing a stroller. If he made money from his unbook, he didn't look it. He should buy a mirror, at least. We made eye contact and he—pathetically—stared straight ahead, although I could clearly see him looking at me with his eyes as we passed, as if I had caught him masturbating or shoplifting.

I was at an after party for a Fashion week show last night (Monday night) around 11pm. Party was at a bar (cannot remember name of it, started with a P, though) on 20th Street between Park and Broadway. Paris Hilton was originally dancing in the back room, with a crowd surrounding her and taking pics of her from their cell phone cameras. Then, as I was waiting in line for the bathroom, she came up behind me in line, and went into the stall that says "out of order". She came out, and everyone said that is out of order, and she proceeded to announce to everyone, that she did not pee, she was just fixing her makeup. Then, she went into the other stall, cutting in front of all of us in line, and came out and demanded her driver call the car around.

Saw Maggie Gyllenhaal and a friend on the corner of Spring and Lafayette hailing a cab at about 12:45 today. She looked cute and pregnant, dressed in stretchy black pants, a black t-shirt and big black sunglasses and there was something about her face which I noticed right away.

Saw Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz at 9PM Dinner at Cafe Habana. Waited on line like everyone else, and a lot of people didn't recognize them. I didn't even know who Justin's date was because I couldn't recognize Miss Diaz with her darker hair. Actually look like pretty down to Earth people for gabillionaires. And I resisted temptations to ask what the heck Sexy Back lyrics mean.

Tennis champ Maria Sharapova with celebratory crowd of 12 at Campagnola. Lots of Veuve Clicquot. She eats pasta.

Coming out the backdoor of the Armory on 26th b/w Park and Lex after the Marc Jacobs show I spotted Victoria Beckham (AKA Posh Spice). She was tiny and seemed overwhelmed by all the paparazzi outside. She ran to a waiting town car with two handlers holding her hands. Also spotted Jared Leto, dressed all in black, taking pictures with everyone outside including two NYC firefighters. He posed for photos with them for a good 10 minutes. Incredibly hot, seemed nice to everyone.

Sunday night, 9pm - Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy were sitting in the window at Counter. Is she a vegan? Is he? Are they both? He still has that unfortunate longish straight hair that makes him look like Chris Gaines (Garth Brook's alter ego). They're cute, but we couldn't figure out why, in a 1/2-empty restaurant, they'd choose to sit RIGHT IN THE WINDOW (so that anyone walking up 1st ave had no choice but to gawk? Weirdness).

Zach Braff arriving for his latest movie, The Last Kiss. After he exits the SUV, Mark Ruffalo exits and says "Thanks Zach for the ride." After a manly hug, Mark walks down Church Street to his Tribeca home. Friday 9/8 7PM Church Street/6th Ave

I just saw President Bush and Governor Pataki coming out of St. Peter's Church on Barclay Street. To be expected Bush was surrounded by tons of Secret Service who ushered him into his bullet proof POTUS mobile. Pataki didn't appear to be protected by anyone and walked into his big black SUV. Pataki looks old.

Yesterday, mid afternoon, saw Winona Ryder coming out of a yoga studio on 13 & Broadway. She was smaller than I expected & had on big sunglasses & a nice huge bag & black yoga attire. Uneventful sighting, was only reminded by party crash photos (she looks only marginally better in make-up & Marc Jacobs than when exercising, apparently)

Jessica Simpson was watching the end of Monday night football in Fiddlesticks pub on Greenwich ave last night with two friends.

9/9 Rosie Perez hanging out of the passenger window of a car on Prince Street, yelling "You're Beautiful!" to a cop. He came over and let her bat her eyelashes at him for a few minutes while they waited for the light to turn. It was classic Rosie, and so cute.

Sarah Michelle Gellar leaving the Ritz Carlton running down Central Park West to her car. Looked very pretty, but was in a rush, she was probably going to slay some vampires. Waved and seemed pleasant.

Saw Tommy Lee and bodyguard + bitchy gf? Waiting for a cab in front of the Hotel Gansevoort around 2 pm on Friday. Never thought I would say this but he is smokin'!

7th Ave and Greenwich, 9:15 am—Sarah Jessica Parker wearing huge sunglasses, a baggy grey t-shirt, and baggy green cargo pants. Talking on her cell phone and looking lovely.

So today I was walking down Broadway this after noon at 3:15pm and saw Johnny Knoxville. He was wearing blue cropped pants with black high-top Converses, a black jacket, black sunglasses and a black fedora. I noticed him because the girl he was with was laughing extremely hard as he was making some kind of a prank phone call. I don't know who the girl was but she had brown curly hair

Saw Mya leaving the Marriott Marquis. The only reason I noticed was because she was wearing HUGE hoop earrings and her assistant was in the way of people walking. 8:45 AM today.

Last night I was going to a friend's place for dinner and saw Mike Wallace on a pay phone on 85th and 3rd. My initial response was "WTF? Can't CBS pay for an old man's cell phone?" but then I though, oh shit, maybe this is phone for confidential calls from sources, where he goes and waits and looks at a balcony across the street to see if they moved the flower pot or whatever they did in "All the President's Men". Then I realized that maybe he isn't on 60 minutes anymore and that he seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing and it was a pretty conspicuous location. So I don't know. I like to think it was something very important/top secret.

Just saw Ving Rhames dining (with wife?) at P. Diddy's restaurant, Justin's, on 21st between 5th and 6th. He was not sporting his signature mustache...and looked nice in his light-colored striped button down.

Saw Sarah Silverman trying to hail a cab right outside of Macy's at about 6:45 Tuesday (9/12).

Tues. afternoon...Henry Kissinger walking down Madison near 53rd St.

Saw former Soundgarden frontman, Chris Cornell at 57th and 5th today around 2:30pm. He was incredibly hot, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Looked like he was shopping with his girlfriend or wife.

Later Tuesday afternoon...8th Ave. nr 23rd...Isaac Mizrahi coming out of Starbucks on cell w/coffee. How can he drink that stuff after Giovanni's (the espressomeister on his show)? Got into a car with driver.

Monday, Sept. 11—eating lunch together at Pastis: Molly Shannon and Daniel V. from project runway season 2! Both had sweater vest/white shirt combinations liked they tried to dress alike. Shaggy girly hair was kind of similar too. She is much thinner in person that I'd expect, he's not as cute as I'd expect from TV. Maybe he was asking how he can be a "Super Star" too...

Just left Buddakan. Saw Martha Stewart exit and Rick and Kathy Hilton come in.

Saw Aaron Eckhart today crossing the street at 42nd and Lex. Was carrying a small white shopping bag. Only noticed him because he had a huge camera strapped around his neck. Very handsome in person.

10:30pm, September 12th: Saw Adam Sandler at Columbus Circle looking expectedly disheveled in 90's flannel shirt wear (during Fashion Week? C'mon Sandler) accompanied by an unidentified female.

I spotted Elijah Wood sitting on a bench outside of Another Room on W. Broadway at 6:45pm. He was talking very animatedly to an older man and woman. He was sporting a jean jacket with pins on it of some sort and looked very tiny.

Shortly before the start of the show, Hank Azaria, Jon Lovitz and some other "industry" folk mingling at the back of the orchestra at Martin Short's Fame Becomes Me. Halfway through, the cast identified Regis Philbin in the orchestra and brought him up on stage for a Jiminy Glick interview.

Al Roker on Tuesday, September 12th at 4:00 pm strolling on 57th Street at 5th Avenue with two young women, both of whom were taller than he is.

Saw a very professional and serious-looking Chris Burke, Corky from the darling family drama Life Goes On on the 1 train this morning. He got on somewhere on the Upper West Side, believe it was the 96th street stop. Was wearing a white short sleeved dress shirt with dark tie and blue dress pants. He had quite the full beard as well. Carrying a shopping bag full of well organized items. He found a seat on the crowded train (A wasn't really running so I took the 1 as an alternative and the train was pretty damn full this morning) and began to read his book.