Gawker Mobile Will Come to You, Still

Since we first launched Gawker Mobile, many tens of dozens of subscribers have thrilled to clever composting of the hottest Gawker goss, sent right to their mobile devices. Each day, wizened Sufi mystics at our Hyderabad call center use ancient divination techniques to reveal the 160 most salubrious characters in a day's worth of Gawker posts. These characters are then painstakingly rearranged into a text message broadcast all over the (paid subscribing) world, incrementally weakening the spiritual chains that bind us all to the karmic wheel of this hellish existence. The daily text message may appear, on the surface, to merely tell you about 50 Cent or Paris Hilton, but it's really saving your very soul. All this for only $4.99 per month, billed directly to your device. How can you refuse, and live?