Apple announcement countdown: The media's take

This morning, Steve Jobs will yank a little something from his pocket (that joke never gets old) at a special Apple event. Oh boy, what'll it be, what'll it be? Tell us, big media!
- Teach the controversy! ABC News quotes a Jupiter Research analyst: "Even when people think they know the story, they don't know the whole story. And sometimes, they're completely wrong." Gee, thanks for the insight. [ABC News]
- PC World takes it further: "Last Chance to Be Wrong About Apple's News!" [PC World]
- Bloomberg News just goes ahead and predicts Disney films for sale on iTunes (duh) and a full-screen iPod (okay, we all secretly predict that). [Bloomberg]
- Why just Disney films? No one else would agree to Jobs's demand for two flat rates. [UPI]
Need a page to refresh all morning until the announcement hits the wires? Try The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Engadget, Gizmodo, Mac Observer, or Macworld.