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As summer turns to fall and annoying children are removed from the streets and properly corralled into their educational stables, we turn our thoughts to those storied Ivy institutions where said beastchildren will inevitably enroll. So, Harvard — 'sup with junior Kaavya Viswanathan? After her overhyped debut, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life was revealed to contain quite a few instances of shameless plagiarism, she left campus and spent her summer interning for 85 Broads, an organization that sent her to Africa where no one knew of her shame. But now it's back to school for Kaavya — how's life back on campus? Is she keeping busy? From Harvard Magazine:

Kaavya Viswanathan ’08, embroiled in a plagariasm controversy over a novel last spring, was appointed a freshman peer adviser before that news broke; she will apparently serve in a capacity not involving direct advising.

Keeping Kaavya away the little ones — it's part of Harvard's freshman outreach program.

Brevia [Harvard Magazine]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Kaavya