Shots were fired inside the Home Depot at 40 West 23rd Street in Manhattan on Sunday. According to accounts on social media, the store has been evacuated and police have arrived on the scene.

Police say two people have been shot, according to ABC7. One of the victims appears to be an employee.

The shooter reportedly opened fire near the second floor cash registers.

Update, 3:25 p.m. – A police source told the New York Daily News that the shooter shot another man in aisle 12 of the store and then shot himself.

Update, 3:37 p.m. – ABC7 reports that the shooter's victim is in critical condition at Bellevue Hospital.

Update, 3:50 p.m. – "One employee shot another in lighting, right behind me," Instagram user @samdwyer wrote in a caption on one post from the scene. "I ran outside through the back with other employees. Maybe 6 shots fired. Screaming. Overheard employees say 'Calvin shot montag,'" he wrote for another.

Update, 4:15 p.m. – The Daily News and ABC News are reporting that both the shooter and his victim have been pronounced dead. According to a source, the shooter, a 31-year-old man, was found dead at the scene; his victim, a 38-year-old Home Depot employee, according to the New York Post, was pronounced dead at Bellevue.

Update, 4:40 p.m. – DNAinfo reports that the shooter was a Home Depot employee and the victim his manager.

[Image via Twitter/@PaulineEvansNY]