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  • MarketWatch nabbed a memo from Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd (center) to all employees. Keep in mind that Hurd knew this would leak, so this is practically an internal PR message. [MarketWatch]
  • MarketWatch's sources say Hurd can come through this scandal just fine, and some even think he could replace Patricia Dunn (left) as chairman. [MarketWatch]
  • Speaking of the beleagured future-ex-chairwoman, Dunn could be out as soon as this afternoon if the board asks her to resign. [Yahoo News]
  • The U.S. House demands records and info from HP. [Reuters]
  • The Northern California District Attorney "informally contacts" HP. Hope they've got extra copies of those records. [Toronto Star]

Our call: HP is done with Dunn. The only question is how many more days she can buy before she loses her remaining supporters. As for Hurd, he may actually gain some political capital by putting his head down and ignoring the allure of the chairman spot.

Photo by Justin Sullivan, Getty Images News, used with permission