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If you're a jet-setting hipster or Greg Lindsay, you know Parisian boutique Colette as the cooler-than-thou temple of highly selective merchandise. But Colette is more than a place to spend your Euros — its alter ego runs an occasional dance class for the heavily eyelinered elite. In honor of Fashion Week, last night the boutique brought its talent to the East Village's Culture Club for some organized instruction — but, because these are French hipsters, the dance was that from Michel Gondry's music video for Around the World. That's right. People donned their best club attire to learn the robot. After the jump, Gawker shutterbug Nikola Tamindzic and staff slave Stephanie try not to bump into MIA.

Nikola's full gallery is available here.

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We know what you're thinking: it's just like the video for "Thriller." But if Jerry Lewis had been involved.

Remember 1997? Remember that song "Around the World" by Daft Punk? Imagine listening to it for 45 minutes while hipsters wearing leggings and perfectly-applied eyeliner scream along. That's what I did last night, under the guise of Colette's "dance class."

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If the dude had some grillz, this picture would be so much better.

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This is a mummy, not a petite girl in white spandex. No, really. Just play along or they'll put their cigarettes out in your eye.

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You'll see this all over Catherine Malandrino's runway in no time.

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Le emcee speaks to le people.

My vast pop culture knowledge skips the category of "cult music videos of 1997," so I asked the tutu-wearing emcee about the concept of the dance and the video. It's about "the skeleton, the mummy, the robot, the disco girls, the athlete," I am told. And whoa, looky there — all five costumed individuals were present. Martha Graham would be proud.

By 11:45, I silently pleaded for Justin Timberlake to bring sexy back. Luckily he did at exactly 12:05.

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Funny what passes for hip these days.

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Way too satisfied with herself.

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Listen: they're French. We can't explain any of this shit.

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By day, he's totally a publicist.

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The poor man's Wilmer Valderrama, assuming Wilmer Valderrama isn't already the poor man's Wilmer Valderrama.

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It just wouldn't be Fashion Week without seedy looking men non-discreetly hauling off drunk girls for their requisite urinal boinking, like Roman Mlisic and MJ Diehl of House of Diehl.

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Yes, she is giving you the finger.

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Models all make the same face.

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DJ June D dances, sparkles.

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Models all make the same face.

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This is Tommy Saleh, Tribeca grand's "creative director" or, as we recall, the douchebag who once bragged to the Post about how he got lots of sneakers for free.

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MIA prefers to receive rather than give.

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Not only is this his first experience with a model, it's his first experience with a female.

Graphic designer Susan was among the lucky few were selected to dance with the costumed instructors on stage. She indulged a quick interview:

Me: "What did you think of the class?"
Susan: "It sucked."
Me: "Why?"
Susan: "It just did."
