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Of all of Fashion Week's many miracles (not a single overdose yet!), this may be the most moving: in the still-empty front row before the Costello Tagliapetra show, Vogue editor Anna Wintour turned off her deadly force field, allowing blogger Julie Frederickson to get close enough for a quick interview. And? Wintour didn't snarl once! In fact, she thinks you all are rather uncreative. Granted, Wintour only had to endure the indignity of talking to a nobody for less than a minute before fashion week's master puppeteer, Kelly Cutrone of People's Revolution, saw what was going on and cut that shit short. Nevertheless, a major coup for Frederickson, who now has the responsibility of telling us exactly what Wintour smelled like. We really want to know! Did she have that fancy shampoo scent?

Video - Interview w/ Anna Wintour
And Then It Was Over [Almost Girl]