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Sinead is the one with the bottle, clearly.

Last Friday night at Trash was the "Sweet 16" birthday party for relentless and unstoppable downtown go-go dancer Baby Sinead; her face is about the only thing that's 16 about her. Sorry, pervs: Girl is of legal age, or that ID was fake and our intrepid photographer Nikola Tamindzic is in a shitload of trouble. The partyscape (full gallery here) was inhabited by mostly anonymous patrons — anonymous outside of the same three bars and Blue States Lose, of course. That said, the party is where Sinead is — so the photos are appropriately fun/retarded in direct relation their proximity to the birthday girl. After the jump, enjoy Nikola's visual and narrative take on the shindig, including several moments quite NSFW both sexually and psychologically.

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Fashion designer Amy Wright knows what you did this summer.

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A little late with the whole terrorist chic thing.

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Sinead receiving a birthday mam-grope from her adopted moms, Brendon James (left) and Frog (right).

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So. Fucking. Disgusting. She was puking her guts out when I left, but I couldn't bring myself to shoot.

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Strictly a class move.

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It's vodka. Merely vodka.

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It's birthday cake. Merely birthday cake. Made of drugs! Tasty, tasty drugs.

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It's competing hipster nightlife shutterbug Merlin Bronques, flanked by future victims.

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DJ Jess talks to the hand.

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Hot girls food-fighting beats drunk writers shove-fighting anytime.

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Cake for the birthday girl.