Bone-Chilling Investigation Exposes the Achingly Obvious

Today in Thursgay Styles, insta-trendbot Stephanie Rosenbloom explores the issue of spying — on your children, your friends, your lover — in the digital age. The pitch obviously stems from Rosenbloom's guilt over reading her significant other's email, but seriously, swear to God, he just left the window open!
Most of the people who readily admitted in interviews to spying on their children, lovers or spouses asked that they not be identified. And in Internet forums, chat groups, blogs and newspaper advice columns, their confessions are anonymous. But they are also plentiful.
One woman said in an interview that she woke up one night to check the cellphone of a man she was dating and that she believes she had good reason: She was suspicious about who he was talking to, closeted in the bathroom, earlier that day. But, said the woman, who works in marketing in Manhattan and who admitted that her search turned up nothing: "No one wants to be a snoop. People think better of themselves."
And for this, the Times bends its policy on anonymous sources.