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It seems like only yesterday that freshly Redstoned ex-Viacom president and CEO Tom Freston excitedly introduced new studio head Brad Grey to his corporate family by gushing about how "great" everything was going to be at the New Paramount in an e-mail so laden with giddy exuberance that computers on the company's overtaxed network nearly exploded into a hail of rainbows and smoldering happy face emoticons. But roughly nine months later, things are considerably more sad-face for Grey, as he had to take some time from his busy schedule of nervously hand-shredding stacks of buckslips while worrying about his own job security to approve a heartfelt goodbye to Freston lovingly penned by someone in Viacom PR.

Grey's e-mail, in which he succinctly invites his fellow employees to wish Freston godspeed to wherever his new, non-Viacom-related wanderings take him, follows after the jump:

From: [redacted]
To: Paramount_MotionPicture_All
09/05/2006 01:20 PM

By now you are all aware that today Tom Freston has resigned as CEO of our parent company, Viacom. Philippe Dauman has been named as Viacom's new Chief Executive Officer and President.

As a Viacom Board Member, Philippe has been a strong supporter of Paramount and provided invaluable guidance during our acquisition of DreamWorks.

Additionally, Viacom Board Member, Tom Dooley, has been named to the new role of Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer. We salute both Philippe and Tom in taking on these important roles at Viacom and look forward to this new chapter at the company. Philippe and Tom have a great knowledge of our business, and I know they will be terrific leaders.

My friend, Tom Freston, is an extraordinary executive. Tom leaves behind a legacy of innovation, leadership, globalism, and a dedication to audiences that we will all learn from for years to come. I know you join me in wishing him all the best.

As Paramount transforms its business, by creating great entertainment and working with the most exciting filmmakers and talent, we will together continue to take this studio into even greater success in our future.


  • Previously: Tom Freston Out At Viacom As Sumner Redtsone Claims Another Victim [Defamer]