"Sir, the barbarians are revolting." "I know, aren't they?"

Bar the gates! Pull up the drawbridge! From Forbes's latest cover story (scary emphasis mine):
- "This next wave is going to be bigger than anything that came before it, says [BEA cofounder William] Coleman."
- "Coleman is one of dozens of new barbarians plotting the Cheap Revolution."
- "They are embracing simplicity, unlocking prodigious new power and cutting tech costs by up to 90%, threatening the Silicon Valley plutocracy."
Yeah, a guy worth $50 million who was nearly a dot-com billionaire in 2001 is just the barbarian we need to threaten the plutocracy. Is anyone else worried for Forbes's sanity, or is it just accepted that everyone writes like BusinessWeek now?
All right, Valleywag's heading home early. We'll be back Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
The New Barbarians [Forbes]
Image by Paul Kidby, Discworld illustrator [PaulKidby.com]