Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this traditional version of the Stalk: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich, Philip Seymour Hoffman and kid, Ashley Olsen, Snoop Dog, Nicole Richie, Topher Grace, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jack White, James Frey, Ivanka Trump, Heidi Klum, Matthew Modine, Jon Stewart, Johnny Depp, Dawn Wiener, Lance Bass & Reichen Lehmkuhl, Rosie O'Donnell, Penelope Cruz, Rob Corddry, James Iha, Christian Slater, Michael Imperlioli, Steven Van Zandt, and Haley Joel Osmond.

Between 12:30 to 1:30 pm, today, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were in The Bryant Park Hotel at 40 West 40th Street, together (although they arrived and departed seperately) to visit The Style Villa (in conjunction with the VMA's) on the upper floors of the hotel. They both left with bags and bags of free things...I was told that each celebrity going into the hotel for the past three days was trying a key to a new Chrysler Crossfire convertible. Apparently only one key worked.... Nick tried his key and it didn't work. About 10 minutes later, Jessica left the hotel and she tried her key and it worked. She won the car...and the crowd went nuts.

Saw Julianne Moore and husband, Bart Freundlich, at Bar Pitti tonight. She was very casually dressed and no make up but still beautiful. He is way hotter than us girls thought!!!!
I am standing in line behind Philip Seymour Hoffman and his son at Joe on Waverly. Iced latte and pan au chocolat!

As I'm approaching work this morning—28th and Park Av. So—I see this tiny woman heading towards my building. Turns out it was Ashley Olsen. She's the blonde one, right? Ashley was looking worse for the wear all hunched over and had extremely dry dyed blonde hair. I was stunned at how tiny she is in person. She still looks like a little kid—one who's lived hard, that is. She was with a much taller woman and they were speaking quietly while my co-workers and I tried to act natural.

Snoop Dogg, at the corner deli on the NE corner of 48th and Lexington at 3am last night...

Nicole Richie, directly across the street from my office @ West Broadway and Broome "eating" lunch at 1:30. With her Prince of Malibu, Brody Jenner. Went to the restroom when she finished, so she might not be digesting all this food she keeps being photographed with. Shocker...

Topher Grace sauntering past Mary's Fish Camp on W. 4th Street in the
West Village. He was working some trucker cap and hoodie, playing ole sly 'cognito; 7:30 tonight (8/30)

Jon Stewart on Sixth and 10th Street this morning. He was wearing a cap, baseball shirt and khaki's - not looking happy. Shouldn't Jon be ecstatic? He just won some award...

Saw Vincent D'Onofrio at Otto on Tuesday night. Much bigger and scruffier than I'd have thought.

Saw Jack White from the White Stripes last night at Dos Caminos on Park Ave with what I think was his manager and some others taking tons of shots and playing musical chairs.

Spotted James Frey walking east on Prince toward Broadway next to Dean & DeLuca. Sporting a baseball cap and traveling at a steady little pace. Definite mouth breather. We made eye contact and shared that quick "yep-I-know-you" telepathic moment. You can't hide, Jimmy Boy! Mwahaha!

Saw Ms. Ivanka Trump walking uptown by herself. She was crossing the street while checking her sidekick/PDA device. She looked very lovely and professional in an all-white ensemble.

Exiting my boss' fancy eye doctor on E. 76th, I nearly ran head-on into Heidi Klum leaving a posh toy store. Lots of make-up, but still beautiful in a pink dress and gold necklaces. I just barely resisted the urge to yell "Why is Vincent still on Project Runway?!" then scurried off on my way. She looked amazing!

Today, Matthew Modine almost ran over me with his bicycle on MacDougal between W. 3rd and Bleeker. He shot me a look as if I was in the wrong for crossing in the middle of the street. If I hadn't seen Vision Quest, I might have tried to knock him off his bike.

Johnny Depp today at about 6:30PM in front of PJ Clarke's... 55th and 3rd. Sooooo sexy!
Welcome to the Dollhouse's Dawn Wiener, all grown up and very pretty - gorgeous hair. Walking south on 3rd Ave. at 58th Street at 3:30pm today in green hoodie and jeans, untangling earphones from music player and smoking a cig. Why does everyone have to smoke?

8/29/06 I saw former Lance Bass & Reichen Lehmkuhl as I was on my way home from work. They were hanging outside the In Style MTV Lounge after picking up some goodie bags at the gift lounge. Lance looked disturbed as he looked for a car/cab in the rain without an umbrella. I was thinking I could share mine, maybe we could go back to their place for a threesome, but then I realized I had to hurry home to watch Big Brother - All Stars. 40 w. 40th Street 7:30PM

Just saw Rosie O'Donnell wobble into the national tennis center with a virtual litter of adopted (white!) children. No life partner in sight, although she did look better in person than on the tube (low bar, but its something).

Penelope Cruz at Pastis at 2:30 this afternoon, eating with someone who looked like a sister and another person.

Passed Rob Corddry of The Daily Show as he was walking west on West 13th St. Looked angry, but surprisingly handsome.

Saw James Iha this morning at Lafayette Street Crunch. Working out with a trainer, and doing some kickboxing.

12 pm today-At the VMA style-out in the Bryant Park Hotel—Christian Slater, so personable and sweet, talked to everyone. I have a newfound love for the guy.

At Don Hill's for a show by La Dolce Vita. Dick Cavett doing the introduction. Three piece band with Michael Imperlioli on guitar and lead vocals. Actually pretty good. Also seen in audience were Steven Van Zandt and the other crime boss who cried at his daughter's wedding on the Sopranos. He actually shouted at Dick Cavett when he made a Sopranos joke. Sort of funny. Also one of the other ladies on the show and some other B-stars.

I saw Haley Joel Osmond yesterday leaving the Apple store on 5th....maybe all the fucking pot he smokes made him see dead people?