We had been told there was a post-Emmys E! interview with Paula Abdul in which she was perhaps the most soused she had ever been on live TV—hard to believe considering Abdul was so consistently zonked throughout the last season of American Idol, producers opted to replace her midway through with a life-sized, soft sculpture doll. (The stuffed-pantyhose-in-a-dress raised nary a suspicion as it lay in a collapsed, lifeless pile by a Coca-Cola cup at the judges' table.) Well, a fast-thinking YouTube user managed to capture the appearance—wait a few seconds, and the volume comes up and picture steadies—and we think you'll agree we are in the presence of fucked-up-Abdul greatness. Be sure to hang around until the 1:28 mark, shortly after which Paula appears to have a massive stroke while attempting to describe how Idol auditions have been going. (Not well, we think, though it's entirely possible she had merely bitten off her tongue at that moment, and that the show's sixth season will have more Taylor Hicks-caliber talent than ever.)