Defamer Casting: Recasting The Guy Who Probably Didn't Kill JonBenet

When John Mark Karr was arrested for the self-confessed murder of JonBenet Ramsey, we, as we are wont to do when current events demand it, offered our help in casting his part in the inevitable CBS movie of the week. But as revealed in some audio of a conversation between Karr and the journalism professor to whom he falsely confessed obtained by The Smoking Gun, the once-suspected killer has some very specific ideas about who should get the gig:
"I already know the actor I want to play my part...Johnny Depp...He reminds me so much of me. And he looks like me. And he would play the part perfectly. very similar to my personality except for the fact that Willy Wonka did not know how to treat children, he had no knowledge of how to be around children. But the other thing is that I've seen him in films over and over. And he was in a very good film called The Secret Window and he played this writer. It's his look, it's his age, it's the fact that he's an attractive man and he fits my part perfectly."
Now that Karr has been downgraded from "beauty pageant contestant killer" to "general interest crazy person with some kiddie porn", he's going to have a hard time attracting big-ticket talent like Depp just for a cameo-level role, but we can see why he feels an affinity for the new Willy Wonka, as both are profoundly creepy men who pretended to kill children to get attention.
Case Against JonBenet Suspect Collapses [TSG]
Previously: Defamer Casting And Wardrobe: Dress Your Killer In Turquoise And Khaki [Defamer]