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First off, let's congratulate the Web 2.Ooh winners, Om "Giggity" Malik and Joey "Boomer" Wan!

This fall, Om will star in a biopic of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, playing both actors at the same time. Joey will save the human race from the Cylons in a very special "Battlestar Galactica," before starring in a remake of "My Pal Joey."

As for the tourney itself, who knew the race to find the hottest boy and girl of Web 2.0 would end in such fierce competition?

Stirr's Joey Wan was clearly winning in the last poll of the ladies' edition, until a supporter of Socialtext's Julia French went and botted it up with eight thousand fake votes. Like an Olympian on cold medicine, it's not French's fault we have to disqualify her — it's the fault of those javascripting bastards.

Meanwhile, the men's edition quietly progressed all weekend, netting a mere 332 votes, with GigaOM founder Om Malik ahead of Rubyred Labs founder Jon Grubb by a healthy handful.

Finale of Web 2.Ooh Ladies' Round and Men's Round [Valleywag]
Photos by Laughing Squid's Scott Beale and Joey Wan [Flickr]

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