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Watching The View used to be one of those guilty little pleasures you did in secret, like eating a whole pint of Cherry Garcia in one sitting, or reading. It was the comfort of sitting around with the gals, chatting about everything, without having to leave your house or actually know any gals.

But lately it just hasn't been the same. First Meredith Vieira left, and then the fat one left, and now it's just a rag tag group of misfits, arguing about boring stuff like female reproductive rights. Boooo.

Our only remaining hope for regaining some semblance of happiness is in the spry and knowing Vieira, who takes Katie's place next to Matt Lauer on Today. But the recent interview with Time gives us serious pause:

I was kind of raised as a boy.

Ugh. And to think we used to be BFFs!

10 Questions for Meredith Vieira [Time]