• The skeptic at Dead 2.0 asks Valley vets whether a blogger can become a media star. VC Paul Kedrosky says, "media businesses are generally crappy businesses, with rare obvious exceptions." [Dead 2.0]
  • Om Malik notes that small towns can get municipal wifi too — especially when one router on Main Street can reach the town limits. [GigaOM]
  • Tech biz writer Eric Sink explains how to market a product. Simple advice like "go for the niche" and "don't spam the top bloggers," which some marketers still need to be told. [Eric Sink]
  • Clearing out your hard drive after the RIAA charges you for file-sharing, and you could automatically lose your case. [Internet Cases]
  • Did you know that the startup sound in Windows Vista is a hot-button issue? Now that you do, has a small part of you died? [Scobleizer]