The Vagina Dialogues
At first Esquire provoked intrigue over the lady with two vaginas. Then fortune double-thrusted her two-penised soulmate on to the radar. Now it would seem the world can follow, "The life and musings of a single girl with two vaginas" on their own accord, because, like everyone else, SHE HAS A BLOG!
The thin archives and fortuitous timing certainly leave us feeling suspicious of the authenticity, yet at the same time we're dreamers, and would love to find out more about the potential love of our lives. She has an FAQ, natch, but does she use an igallop? And does she take extra precaution the morning after? So go perform your investigative duties cyber-dicks, and in the meantime we're not that thrilled with the name Box Set, so we're going to suggest some possible replacements:
• Siamese Beav
• In-And-Out Boxes
• Coochie Coochie Coo
• 2WAT
• Pussy Galore
• Snatch2
• Two Vags & A Baby
Anymore suggestions?