• This week, the TechCrunch blog lost its French translator, who says he was working for free. One fellow blogger thinks Marshall Kirkpatrick may be TechCrunch's only paid writer, but I know CrunchGear editor John Biggs definitely isn't working for free. [Guillaumeb.com]
  • [Update: TechCrunch's Nik Cubrilovic says, "Everybody is paid, pretty well actually.. the guy who was translating for TC France was replacing Ouriel (who runs the site) while he was on holiday, so his deal was with him (and there was no such deal, he volunteered to do it to build up his own translation service). He didn't say that he was supposed to get paid. Ouriel is still with TCF, so no, the site didn't lose its translator."]
  • How does Microsoft develop its much-hyped Spaces blog system? By stealing from features from Six Apart's new service, Vox. Hey, at least they come out and say it. [d3vmax's Vox blog]
  • Creative finally bows to Apple, working out an agreement over an old patent dispute that makes the former the latter's bitch. [Apple.com]