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New Observer owner and veteran 25-year-old Jared Kushner is a Harvard graduate (and in our hearts, aren't we all?) but, according to his counselor at Frisch Yeshiva, the lad was more likely rolling joints by the train tracks than he was leading the Quizbowl team:

"Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class," said his own high-school college counselor, Margo Krebs. "It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make."

Not that unusual — Jared's unseemly father, Charles, made a $2.5 million pledge to the school just before those acceptance letters went out (going the distance, the Kushes indirectly fellated Harvard alum Ted Kennedy as well). As for Jared's enrollment in NYU Law School in 2003: though he graduated from Harvard with honors, dad had already secured a smooth path by giving NYU $3 million in 2001. And, just to be sure, the elder Kushner started renting part of the Puck Building to the university at a discount.

But doesn't it always work this way? Our family donated extensively to the crafts room at the local community college.

Getting Ahead the Old-School Way [Gatecrasher]