New Lehman Brothers Consultant Recalls Fistfight With Jay Gould

If you've been watching HBO's Entourage lately, you've probably been enjoying the performance of Martin Landau as Bob Ryan, a past-his-prime producer unfamiliar with the new ways of Hollywood and able only to communicate in anecdotes that refer back to people long since dead and forgotten. It's an incisive portrayal, but it's also difficult to watch, since Landau does such a great job of conveying what a creature of the past his character is.
Oh, unrelated, there was a neat story about Felix Rohatyn in the Times today. You younger readers may not remember Rohatyn, but he helped the city bail itself out during the fiscal crisis of the late seventies and then spent the next few decades hoping for another one just so he could get back in the papers. Well, Rohatyn "is joining Lehman Brothers as a senior adviser to its chairman," and he couldn't be more excited.
"I remember the first time I came into contact with them," he said. "I was carrying Andre Meyer's briefcase into a meeting with Bobby Lehman in the mid-1950's. They had six desks. I've always had a yen for them."
Anyway, check out Entourage. That Martin Landau's doing a hell of a job.