Defamer Casting And Wardrobe: Dress Your Killer In Turquoise And Khaki

Every so often, significant news events demand that we assist CBS's harried casting department in filling out the significant roles in their inevitable Movie of the Week so that the project can be rushed into production while the story is still is fresh in the public's mind. The capture of confessed, "accidental" JonBenet Ramsey killer John Mark Karr seems like a comfortable fit for Happiness star and creepy go-to guy Dylan Baker; the physical resemblance is certainly there, and the actor's mere appearance on screen will make parents clutch their pageanteers closer, a kind of menacing, dramatic shorthand directors love. And thanks to the AP's fascination with Karr's appearance at the time of his arrest, we can also offer a head start to the wardrobe and make-up departments at this time:
Karr declined to say what his connection was to the Ramsey family. Dressed in a turquoise polo shirt and khaki trousers, he appeared ashen with an expressionless look on his face.
With ample amounts of turquoise, khaki, and face powder, your MOW killer is ready for his close-up.