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Work parties: A chance for the company to reward its employees while giving those employees the opportunity to interact outside the usual confines of the office. It's a time to bond, to kick back, relax, and celebrate who you are as an organization, but more importantly, who you are as individuals. And if you're an individual who works for Jason Binn (last seen on a giant yacht in the Hamptons) and Gotham mag, well, you're going to Six Flags with everyone you try to ignore on the elevator! Whether you like it or not. Full soul-crushing e-mail after the jump.


The date has been set for about a month now. We are very excited to get the entire office together for a summer event. If you do not attend you will be marked down for a vacation day — sorry guys but there are no exceptions to this. We sent notification to everyone early enough that you would all do your best to plan ahead in order to attend. We organized this trip to show you our appreciation to your hard work and dedication, and for an opportunity to spend time together outside of the office.


Jeffrey Binstock
Executive Vice President

Earlier: Jason Binn, King of the World