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Project Runway audiences will not soon forget Vincent Libretti, the middle-aged crackpot who at any moment is capable of exploding into a doggie outfit-induced fit of hysterical laughter, as fellow contestants inch cautiously away. Thanks to YouTube, we now have a glimpse of what Libretti had been up to in the pre-Runway years: He stars in Are You In?, a short film, seemingly custom-fitted to his particular brand of fruitcake talents. Playing, as one commenter aptly puts it, "a technofaggotronic Woody Allen," Libretti sputters nonsense into a headset on a city street before walking into a laundromat and stripping down for an unobstructed, rear view shot. Yes, Libretti goes full-assal, revealing a taut set of mancakes, the very sight of which would surely turn Tim Gunn five shades of red before mumbling something about the Macy's accessories wall and scurrying towards the nearest exit.