Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation.

In this traditional version of the Stalk: Ralph Fiennes, Hov and Beyonce at Soho House, Derek Jeter, Natalie Portman, Joe Lieberman, Barbara Bush, Paul Rudd, Johnny Knoxville, Kate Bosworth, Julian Casablancas, Muhammad Ali, Jimmy Fallon, Chelsea Clinton, Jessica Biel, Spike Lee, Alex Rodriguez, Orlando Bloom, Janeane Garafolo, Elizabeth Berkley, Edie Falco, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelo, Ethan Hawke, Phoebe Cates, Chloe Sevigny, Will Smith, Mike Myers, Claire Danes, Samuel L. Jackson, Topher Grace, Ginnifer Goodwin, Chris Klein, Jason Schwartzman, Jeffrey Wright, Isabella Rossellini, Matthew Modine, Luke Wilson, James Cromwell, Ali Landry, Christina Aguilera, Alan Cumming, Darrell Hammond, David Schwimmer, Marisa Tomei, Alec Baldwin, Freddie Prinze Jr, Hilary Duff, Vin Diesel, Bobby Cannavale, Jessica Joffe, and, courtesy of the Earl Grey, Kitty Carlisle Hart.

Ralph Fiennes was in line at Balthazar this morning around 10:00 with his usual female companion. I feel compelled to add that, if these two are spending so much time together, she should do the right thing and help him with his wardrobe. I live in the neighborhood and see the two of them quite a bit. She is always looking VERY chic (even in her gym clothes) and he most often looks VERY scruffy. I understand that part of his look is for his play, so I can deal with the hair and sloppy five o'clock shadow. The clothing, however, when he is out in public is quite a different story. It looks as if he only owns three shirts and one pair of pants, none of which do Fiennes any justice as a good-looking man. It's almost painful to watch this fashion disaster, as it seems he has a simple solution—let that chick take him shopping. Can we put a plea out on 'Gawker'?

Saw Beyonce and Jay-Z at Soho House. They were drinking beer, eating burgers and playing uno! She is stunningly beautiful and he was adorable. They stopped time for like a whole thirty seconds by the pool, people were seriously in awe.

I saw Derek Jeter today, August 11th, walking in Times Square with a very attractive woman. He was wearing a white t shirt and black dress slacks. Returned my hello.

Walked by Natalie Portman in the VIP section at the p.s. 1 warm-up today. She is so tiny. Also, I overheard one of the guys she was with say "well, we should be safe here." Found out later that she had been in the lame vip section before.

8/12, 6 PM: Joe Lieberman and his wife were walking through the park surrounding the
Museum of Natural History. People definitely recognized him. I started singing "I'm a Loser" loudly enough to be heard.

We saw Barbara Bush dining at Mermaid Inn the other day with a girlfriend. Her alcohol consumption was closely observed (2+ glasses of white wine) but then I remembered that it was Jenna who liked to party. Also, didn't see any Secret Service anywhere which was a little unnerving.

Paul Rudd outside apple store smoking —- fri at 6pm. cute (and short) in a baseball cap t-shirt and shorts—dressed like a little leaguer.

So I arrive at LaGuardia and while I'm waiting for my suitcase, I duck out for a smoke at the curb. My lighter's in my suitcase, so I look for someone to bum a light from. I walk over to a tall skinny guy wearing shades, and he gives me his cig to cop a light from. Later as we were both standing at the baggage carousel, I realized who it was: Johnny Knoxville.

Sat near Kate Bosworth and handsome dark haired guy at Blue Ribbon Sushi (119 Sullivan St.) on Saturday night. She looked incredibly skinny but stylish, and he was very cute, and most definitely NOT Orlando Bloom. They were definitely canoodling with some hand holding and hair stroking going on. Given her size, I was impressed to see she did actually eat her dinner.

I saw Julian Casablancas walking on the 9th street with a tall, hot, blonde girl, he looked very happy and according to his gesticulatory he was doing a drum-solo, dunno if he was trying to impress the girl or if it was a sign of another Stroke going solo...

I saw Muhammad Ali looking very sick using a walker eating dinner tonight at 8pm at Dos Caminos. Even though he wasn't feeling well he was still cool enough to pose for one asked for his autograph.....class guy!

Just saw Jimmy Fallon in what looked like deep conversation with a woman (got friend vibe) walking on Broadway between 18th and 19th. He was laughing uproariously at whatever she was saying. Gotta say, still looking pretty edible.

8/11, around noon: Just saw Chelsea Clinton walking up Park Ave South near 23rd st with a bag lunch in her hand. She was chatting rather intently to a short-ish collegey guy in sunglasses and a backpack. She looked supercute in all black with a little scarf tied around her neck. Very politics-chic. And she had perfect blonde highlights. Looked great overall.

Saw Jessica Biel on the Upper East Side august 13th 8pm. She had zero make up on and was still a stunner. Totally blended in with the trendy post college upper east crowd.

Spike Lee, 767 Fifth Avenue, 9:15 a.m. Monday, August 14th: walking into the GM building looking very sharp in a summery white blazer and his trademark heavy-rimmed tortoise shell glasses. He had kind of a large diamond stud in his left ear. He walked by a gawking tourist who said: "That was Spike Lee!" to her friend. To prove her point she yelled "SPIKE LEE!" He half turned around and then ignored her. "See," she said "I told you so!"

I saw A-Rod last night at Serafina on Broadway at 55th. He was with a tiny blonde woman and he looked a lot bigger in person.

Orlando Bloom on a skateboard in Williamsburg dazzling the ladies waiting for the bus on Bedford & Broadway at about 4:00pm Saturday afternoon!

W. 10th and 6th. August 14th, 12:45 PM: Just saw Janeane Garafolo walking in a colorful outfit and her glasses. She looked really thin and was reading as she walked.

Sunday 8/13: Saw the one and only Elizabeth Berkley at "Step Up." Yes, this former Showgirl was enjoying a little dance cheese with her Ralph Lauren boyfriend. They were quite adorable actually. She was so pumped up for the movie, right before it started Elizabeth really liked the movie, cause at the end, she got up and said, "I'm so excited, I'm so excited ... I'm so ... scared," which was weird, but whatever.

Saw Edie Falco getting an iced latte at Cima (Corner of N. Moore and Greenwich St at 2pm). She looked like she just woke up in her sweats and definitely forgot the makeup. She seemed a little confused looking for the straws, too. Guess she needed a little caffeine to get her going.

Spotted Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelo walking hand in hand on 56th & Broadway at 2pm today (8/14). Both looked very well-dressed, albeit Mark looked more on the casual side and Kelly appeared as if she could have been wearing one of her dressier and formal outfits from the morning show taping. Both looked stunning, and were enjoying their time sans children.

Saw Ethan Hawke at 3:25pm at the corner of 20th and 6th ave, heading north on 6th ave. Was wearing red plaid lumberjack shirt with green cords (or was it green with red cords?) despite the 80 degree weather. Had a very tall little girl with him, didn't look like such a great daddy.

Phoebe Cates with bald male friend—sitting in front of me at little miss sunshine—sat nite 9:20pm—union sq. She looks extremely young, it's weird.

Chloe Sevigny—Sonic Youth/Yeah Yeah Yeahs/fri nite. Running around the pool—giggling, laughing, very golden. Wearing white overall shorts, nautical shirt and combat boots. With that a.r.e. weapons dude -who apparently cut his long locks.

Saw Will Smith at Equinox in Soho at 7:45 PM. Working out with dumbbells, targeting his triceps.

August 13, 2006 @ 1:00pm Saw Mike Myers on Prince St between Mott and Elizabeth casually leaning against a building and deep in conversation with some guy. Looked clean cut and small, but not goofy like his characters.

I saw the uber skinny, uber blonde Claire Danes on the corner of W. 4th and Mercer Street with an entourage of people. All but one of her party left. She and her companion crossed the street, then recross back to where I originally saw them, and then walked to the courtyard of what seemed like an NYU dorm. They walked off to a secluded bench, and chatted for an half hour or so (I stalked from afar), and continued walking towards Washington Square Park. I would have continued to follow her, but I had a date.

Just saw Sam Jackson getting out of a black SUV at ABC Studios on 67th Street at 9.30am. He was wearing a Starburst orange Kangol cap and polo shirt. Signing autographs for a few fans, seemed nice but in a rush.

Last night (8/14), 9:30 pm, 57th and 3rd. Enjoying a walk across town were Topher Grace, Ginnifer Goodwin and Chris Klein. Chatting away, they looked like 3 normal, good-looking Manhattanites.

Saw Jason Schwartzman walking on Ludlow between Houston and Stanton with a few girls at about 8:15pm on 8/14. Looks like every other LES hipster dressed in the requisite worn in corduroys and shrunken vintage-looking striped polo shirt. But his hair is what really struck me.... it was long and orangish.... eew.

Saw Jeffrey Wright at Brooklyn hot spot Habana Outpost in Fort Greene. He was enjoying his dinner under a tent and still managed to look cool while eating corn-on-the-cob.

Last Saturday the 12th, I saw Isabella Rossellini biking 2 blocks from her house (in a cul-de-sac....very Knots Landing, circa 1980s) in Bellport, LI. She was wearing a white ensemble and big dark glasses. She was with a young lady (17 or 18?) who was also on a bike....could be her daughter, not sure.

Saw Matthew Modine at bar pitti last night at 9 30 w/ a group of 8 ppl. Having a really great time and hung out front for 20 min after he finished & shook a couple of fans' hands. Later walked past him on the way home @ corner of 6th ave and Waverly. He was playing w/ a dog and making really loud barking sounds. Made me laugh.

I was having lunch around 1:30 today outside at Coffee Shop in Union Square on the side street (16th street) and Luke Wilson walked by with his dog. At first we thought it was Matthew Fox, but it was def Luke and he looked hot. Light blue t-shirt and jeans, short haircut. Black & white shaggy puppy. :)

Being a huge 'Six Feet Under' fan, I was psyched to spot George Sibley, aka James Cromwell, exiting The Modern. He was very tall and distinguished despite an unfortunate Amish-looking outfit.

Ali Landry, ex of Mario Lopez (aka AC Slater), shopping at the H&M flagship location at 51st and 5th Avenue around 5 pm. She was very pretty as she walked around before trying on half of the store's merchandise. She smiled at other customers, and acted friendly, but blended in with the crowd and was not recognized by many other shoppers.

Saw Christina Aguilera at Marquee for her Back to Basics party. She had a table in the main dance floor and wore a short white dress. She had bright red lipstick but looked cute and petite at her table and looked like she was having a good time with the people she was with.

I was walking down 23rd st today (8/11) at around 12:45, headed towards 5th ave when none other than Alan Cumming breezed past me. He was looking rather sporty in a sleeveless tee, some sneaks, and trendy shades. As he passed I said, 'Alan?' 'Yes,' he replied. All I could think of saying was 'You're great!' 'Thanks,' he replied (with a smile). Seems like a cool guy.

Saw Darrell Hammond at Fairway on 74th. He had a Yankees hat, dark shirt and jean; he swung the hand cart back to let me by.

I saw David Schwimmer at The Spotted Pig (Greenwich Street & W 12th), 8pm Friday August 11th. He was wearing a black baseball cap, off-white khaki's, a black t-shirt with writing on the front, and a black overshirt. I especially liked his sneakers - very understated with a navy star on the sides. He was with a couple, a guy and his girlfriend.

Saw Marisa Tomei taking in a 7pm showing of Sweeney Todd at the Eugene O'Neill theatre last night 8/15. Not dressed up or with any makeup on, but still very pretty. I found it amusing she was there with a bald guy friend since the plot from her stint on Seinfeld was about her liking bald men!

Alec Baldwin was in my cafe/restaurant in the West Village again early Monday morning with his girlfriend who lives in the neighborhood, she comes in all the time and they have been coming in together for years. She is so sweet, absolutely gorgeous. He looked very happy and kept rubbing her back while they were waiting for their drinks to go at the counter.

Freddie Prinze Jr. was filming something this morning (around 9AM) in Madison Square Park by the Shake Shack. There were a few other actors whom I didn't recognize. Not too big of a crew. He's kinda cute in person.

I saw Hilary Duff at 9:30pm at the Food Emporium on 50th st and 8th avenue. She was short and super skinny; in a wife beater, skinny jeans, and flip-flops. She was with 2 other girls and they were buying mixed greens, peppers and Tostitos.

Vin Diesel and friend coming out of a black SUV and going straight into Marquee. Very tall and much older-looking in person, but looked really muscular and built in a black shirt.

Tuesday night around 8:15, my boyfriend and I were heading north on Broadway between 85th & 86th St. when we spied a hottie sitting on the stoop of an apartment building having a smoke; he was wearing a pair of old school Adidas shower slides, work out shorts, and a sleeveless t; both our eyes were locked on him, and as we got closer he looked up at us to reveal it was none other than gay for pay hunk, Bobby Cannavale. He is unbelievably sexy, and I had the biggest smile on my face for blocks. I wanted to go back to volunteer my services for any research he might need to do for any upcoming bent roles.

Spotted Jessica Joffe getting on the L train at Bedford Ave today (Sunday) at 3.30 pm. She was sporting the standard subway attire—sunglasses and an iPod (listening to Ryan Adams perhaps?) Additionally, she was wearing a dark blue dress with thin white vertical and horizontal stripes and had a black Chanel bag under her arm and a plastic bag in the other hand. She got off the train and exited the station at Union Square. Prettier in person than expected.

Ed: And, without further ado, the unabridged insanity of your beloved Earl Grey:

Kitty Carlisle Hart, Saturday August 12, 2006, 5:20 pm, Central Park on the East Side just off 5th Ave., at 74th St. or so.

The much-loved NYC Socialite and sometime TV game show panelist KITTY CARLISLE HART sauntered by me on her late Saturday afternoon Central Park summer stroll. She was accompanied and supported by a Phillipina nurse of perhaps 50 or so years. They inched by with measured steps, Kitty leaning on a light brown mahogany wood cane with a few knots in it with her right hand, and propped up on her left by the nurse. I really wouldnt want to guess Kitty's age but I suppose it hovers in the 85-90 years region. She was wearing a black knitted cardigan that looked like thick cable knit cotton in an artfully woven pattern almost like one of those Scottish Arran fisherman's sweaters. The cardigan had 4 or so gold buttons and every one was buttoned up & down the cardigan front despite the perhaps 75 degree temperature and sunshine. It was a natty looking cardigan & style though, one might guess the gold buttons connote Chanel but I think the cardigan was of more humble manufacture, maybe a St. John or that sort. Underneath her cardigan, Kitty wore a polka dot blouse, it appeared to be black with white dots about the size of a pencil circumference all over it. The blouse may have actually been a dark navy blue, but since the rest of her ensemble was black, it could also have been black with dots. The collar of the blouse was a fairly large forward point collar that was spread outside the closure of the cardigan top. The collar was stiffly pressed but its wideness suggested it could be as old as the 1960s or 70s, or it could be a brand new blouse, her entire outfit projected the aura of well-pressed neatness, yet lived in functional comfort.

Her pants were very basic flat front black trousers, straight columns from the upper thigh down, no tapering at all. These recalled most closely the Chinese pants that one sees in Chinatown, super utilitarian & basic and of a material that looks like a blend including polyester. the width of her pants legs was so wide at the bottom of the unfitted trouser that it hung just above & as full sized as her shoe imprint. Kitty wore black sneaker-like slippers, again a very Chinatown-looking style but probably also sold at Talbot's or another of the polite yet unremarkable mature ladies' emporia she was modelling today. The black sneakers had a thin white sole that was stark white & totally free of dirt or wear. When I was very young I recall seeing Kitty as a panellist on any number of local TV game shows, WNEW -Channel 5 sticks out in my mind, but maybe she was also on WOR-9? Was she on "What's My Line?" Her resume probably boasts several local game shows Im guessing in the 1950s-70s eras. She was almost as active on game show panels as socially. As I understand it she has been a beloved fixture on NYC's social scene since, gosh the 1930s or 40s at least? I am told her husband Moss Hart was a songwriter of great note, but since my cultural memory begins with the Monkees and the Partridge family, even her game show bows and social prominence are but shadowy echoes to me.

Her hair was still quite full & neatly coiffed. I might compare the shape of her hairdo to a catcher's mitt if that is not unkind. She did have a dark black wash in her hair with just a few strands of silver grey showing, and then a few more patches of actually blue-coloured wash showing. Some describe 'blue-haired grannies' as an archetype & I must admit portions of kitty's coiff were indeed blue, bits of silvery blue and then a few strands actually electric blue. Having lived throught the new wave & punk era in the late 70s & early 1980s, I can tell you that Ive seen more than a few girls in days gone by with the same brushed back 50s Jayne Meadows/Greas bouffant hairdo, with their hair dyed black & then streaks of electric blue also shining forth. Like when I saw X at the Ritz circa maybe 1982, or the Stray Cats at Roseland like 1983, that rockabilly hairdo with the black and electric streaks was pretty popular & hot and Kitty was still rocking that pan-tone manicured bouffant today.

She had extremely thick white pancake makeup on her face, as she passed by I could see the generally wrinkley skin beneath, but in her own way that thick white face gave her coverage & yet was also fairly ghostly, her skin was thoroughly pale and shes so thin & bony that it hung on her delicate facial bones fairly much revealing the cage-like structure beneath. Her lips were painted bright red, and as she passed right before me I gave her a polite & sweet half smile. She saw me, her eyes are still quite sharp & aware of her environment. But her gait & movements are so slow that even as she started to return my kindkly faint smile, her lips just pursed into kind of an "O" shape, her facial muscles are slow to respond & fairly frozen there, plus the heavily caked pancake makeup also makes expression and communication slower & milder. But there's no doubt her eye caught my sweet friendly smile, I saw it in her eyes as she shuffled by, moving slowly, headed north to the 76th street exit I think, propped up by her Phillippina nurse & her knotty mahogany brown cane. She has lived life to the fullest & it shows.