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Everyone in the media acts giddy over YouTube — it's the center of our youth's social lives! They'll build New Media around it! — and the Chronicle has taken the love up an extra notch.

After the usual "there's a lot of buzz!" lede and the traffic stats roundup, the Chron focuses its lust on YouTube founder Chad Hurley:

With all that buzz, it was no surprise that it was standing room only when the man of the hour, YouTube co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Chad Hurley made a lunchtime appearance at the conference, tucking his dark blond hair neatly behind one ear and wearing his usual faded jeans and black pinstripe sports coat on top of a white shirt with the top buttons undone.

True, the sight of Chad, grinning like the cat that ate the $12-million canary, luscious locks flowing, eyes gazing into the distance or right into your's enough to make anyone a bit dizzy. The Chron ran the photo above on the front page of its business section, embedded in a screencap of YouTube — because the vids may be pretty, but that priceless Chad face deserves center stage.

YouTube gets its close-up [SF Chronicle]