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Remember the plot to murder Sun columnist Alicia Colon? You don't? Well, it happened a couple years ago, but, as the target, she hasn't forgotten. In the course of her essay today, Colon remarks upon what she sees as the reluctance of Muslims, specifically Council on American-Islamic Relations spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, to condemn terrorist attacks. She notes that:

I happen to have Muslim neighbors who hail originally from Albania. Staten Island actually has a very large Muslim community. Nearly all of the 99-cent stores are operated by Middle Eastern and Asian owners. Palestinian Americans for many years operated the D &L deli on Broad Street, and insisted they were not political. Nevertheless, on the counter were collection boxes for a Muslim charity in the Middle East.

I don't recall ever seeing demonstrations by any of these people or groups condemning the 9/11 attacks or the beheadings of Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, or others.

We're going to go ahead and assume that she's interviewed these folks just to make sure that they haven't attended any demonstrations or expressed regret, because it's what comes next that really gets to the heart of the matter:

I also have to wonder if CAIR is condemning the actions of the two Pakistanis, one from Staten Island, arrested in a plot to bomb the subways. I never received an e-mail with Mr. Hooper's apology.

And there you have it. Hoop, you (or at least a few of your one billion co-religionists) tried to blow this woman up. At the very least, you should send flowers. Also, if there are any Muslims reading right now, it would be nice of you to send a note to Alicia apologizing at well. You can reach her here.

Muslims Under Siege? [NYS]