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Today's somewhat synchronicitous appearance of both Kate Bosworth nipple-slip (link NSFW) and Lindsay Lohan side-boob photos offers a great time to note where two of Hollywood's hottest young actresses currently fall on the Eating Disorder/Plastic Surgery Axis. While Lohan's signature curves continue an inspiring, if suspicious, rebound after a disputed dalliance with "bulimia" (maybe she's retaining the massive quantities of bottled water she's consuming in the right places?), Bosworth still seems to be travelling further into the direction of Pompeoesque, devastating thinness, indicating her possible adoption of the Big Fat Plate of Nothing Diet. Maybe Bosworth can take some inspiration from the healthy, clean-living Lohan and try to regain her more shapely Blue Crush figure before her body devours her areolas for sustenance, making further nipple-slip photos a much more disturbing affair.

[Photos: X17online, Splash News Online]