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Judging by popular blog aggregator Techmeme, everyone really cares about Microsoft's new desktop-based WYSIWYG blog writer, Windows Live Writer. Personally, it bores me to tears, but here's the reaction rundown:

  • The independent LiveSide blog interviews J.J. Allaire, the man who made Live Writer. [LiveSide]
  • Paul Stamatiou, the Yahoo intern with the insanely popular blog, says he'd really dig it if he used Windows more often. He has a detailed review with screenshots. [Paul Stamatiou]
  • Blogging venture capitalist Paul Kedrosky had the software "blow up" on him. He calls Live Writer "dumb." [Paul Kedrosky]
  • TechCrunch publisher Michael Arrington does a quick but disappointing writeup. Maybe he's saving screenshots for blog post #2. [TechCrunch]
  • GigaOM publisher Om Malik digs it, though like all cool Mac users, he's writing on the similar Ecto tool. GigaOM]
  • writer Ryan King wins, with his wordart-and-clipart-ful test post. []

There, glad that's over. Now let's write about something less boring that new software.