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After firing four Maxim staffers on Friday, EIC Jimmy "William Wallace" Jellinek reflected on his day while sipping his sanctimony juice, then sent out the following email to his staff:

From: Jimmy Jellinek
Sent: Fri 8/11/2006 8:32 PM

I know what a difficult day today was for everybody as I know how difficult it is to see friends and colleagues go who you have grown to respect. Nothing I can say will make it better other than I understand and I appreciate the contributions all of you have made to the magazine over the past months and years. We are in the process of doing something huge and historic and in that process there will be pain from time to time. But with pain and struggle comes reward. And at the end of the day we are here to make a magazine and you guys have produced something of beauty. All of you here are here because you are the best at what you do. I am humbled and honored to have this pleasure.....

Yeah, the humility really shows.

Earlier: We Have Yet to Work Christopher Hitchens Into the Equation