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Last week the Today show heralded Us Weekly's (perhaps questionable) scoop that Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn were officially engaged and happy and totally in love and so not caring about that skanky Brangelina. Despite the world's inexplicable glee at this announcement, Aniston's gum-scraping publicist Stephen Huvane quickly denied the engagement, calling into serious question (if one can seriously question these sorts of things) the reporting skills of Us Weekly.

Today Page Six reports that Huvane blasted the Today show for running the story without contacting him and has now decided to enact flacky revenge, pulling his client list from future appearances. Today brass doesn't believe they'll lose Huvane's illustrious stable of talent (which includes African Gwyneth Paltrow and stumbling Kirsten Dunst), but — and here's the whole point — rival morning show Good Morning America is "expected" to get dibs on Huvane's clients. Of course, you'd expect this sort of ending from a firmly rooted GMA plant. So misguided — like anyone's going to suddenly switch to ABC for the possibility of watching Paltrow talk about how she adores Djibouti?

Aniston Tale Imperils 'Today' [Page Six]