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The August media craze over Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales isn't over. (Probably due to this quiet news month, right?) Even though we've learned all we'd ever want to about the Wikipedia founder through his profiles in the New Yorker, the New York Times, and the Associated Press, there are two more pieces for Wales-watchers.

First, the Times doubles up its coverage with the inevitable profile published in "Fashion and Style." That's a laudable accomplishment — Anyone who's a big deal from 9 to 5 can get into the business section of the Times, Chron, or Post. Real icons make it to the lifestyle section. (Warning: Wales, like two-thirds of lifestyle section interviewees, describes something in his house as "kitsch.")

Next, the Atlantic Monthly runs a six-page piece that I'd summarize here if that didn't mean actually slogging through the story. The opening — the usual "I tried to make a Wikipedia page about myself, someone deleted it, so here's my story about Wikipedia" — is unpromising. Even worse is the phrase-dropping of "clueless newbies." Nothing new to read here, move along.

Industrial Art Illuminates Life [NYT]
The Hive [Atlantic Monthly]
Photo by Jonan Basterra [Flickr]
Earlier: Hey wiki you're so fine: A guide to Wikipedia media [Valleywag]