Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map; this is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this retro edition of the Stalk: Michelle Rodriguez, Jared Kushner, Kate Capeshaw and Steven Spielberg, Beyonce, Paula Abdul, Martha Stewart, Conan O'Brien , Julia Styles, David Byrne, Ashley Olsen, 50 Cent, Jimmy Fallon, Paul Rudd, John Bolton, James Earl Jones, Famke Janssen, Keri Russell, Matthew Modine, Vanessa Carleton and Stephan Jenkins, James Gandolfini, Robin Roberts, Vincent D' Onofrio, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Matt Dillon, Michael Imperioli, Dylan McDermott, Ludacris, Campbell Scott, James Franco, Erika Christensen, Marisa Tomei, Jane Seymour, Liv Tyler, Lucy Liu, Maya Rudolph, Whoopi Goldberg, and ambulatory Mac ad Justin Long

Michelle Rodriguez at Sushi Samba on 7th last night, 8/9, at around 8:30. Wearing a white jogging suit, no makeup, and carrying a Starbucks cup. She and her two friends came in and stood at the bar area for a few minutes before being whisked off to her table upstairs. She looked gorgeous, and not intoxicated.

Working downtown, saw new Observer owner/youngin Jared Kushner enter the Tribeca Film Center around mid-day. Make of it what you will.

6:45pm Barney's New York men's fragrance department: Kate Capeshaw and Steven Spielberg walking through with a truckload of shopping bags. He looked like every picture ever taken (baseball hat, sportcoat, beard), she looked great in a Hollywood wife well-preserved way. No one else noticed them.

Sat next to Beyonce last night for dinner at Bar Pitti. She was sitting in the back of the restaurant with another young woman. She is absolutely gorgeous! I've had many celeb sightings and I have to say she looked the most spectacular! She got up quietly and left through the front entrance where a black Escalade was waiting right outside for her.

Saw an iddy bitty Paula Abdul go into Jamba Juice at 1442 Broadway (@40th) wearing huge sunglasses and stacked shoes to accentuate her itty biddiness. Had one body guard with her.

I saw Martha Stewart on Tuesday at 3 PM on Perry and West 4th walking out of
a restaurant with a friend. She looked tall, thin, and gorgeous. She was smiling up, even when the paparazzi started to snap snap snap away!

At 11am, August 10th, Conan O'Brien was spotted getting out of his Escalade around the corner of 6th Ave. and 52 Street. He politely stopped to take a picture with a fan, cracked a joke, and explained he was heading to work (toward the NBC studio). He was dressed in a black pin-striped suit, wearing sunglasses. Very nice man.

Aug 9 @ midnight. I sat at a table at Bar Jamon on 17th and Irving, next to a very blonde and thin Julia Stiles. She was with two girls and one guy.

Saw David Byrne on the L train yesterday. He was wearing an electric blue jumpsuit with a luaka bop patch on it (his record label). Is that the new form of advertising?

I saw Ashley Olsen standing outside of the Mercer smoking and talking to some hipster chic around 11pm last night. Not nearly as small as I imagined she'd be.

Just ran into 50 Cent going into his G-Unit clothing showroom offices. He allowed 4 of my co-workers to pose in a picture with him.

A mop-topped Jimmy Fallon, ambling along Canal this morning, East of Broadway, in a red "Stew Leonards" t-shirt. Seemed willing to make eye contact and respond to greetings from passers-by.

Paul Rudd at the Apple Store in SoHo on Thursday late afternoon. Further justification for Us Weekly's bit about celebs dressing slobby: crummy t-shirt and shorts, flipflops, baseball cap (Brooklyn Dodgers, maybe?) Endured a round of fratty catcalls, "Dude!?!?! Clueless! Alright!"

Saw U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton around 8:30 a.m. this morning at the corner of 47th St. and 3rd Avenue. He was flanked by a tall & skinny blonde woman and a younger guy whose body posture screamed yes-man. Bolton looked angry at the world. Photographs do not do JB's hairstyle and moustache justice—-he has a poofy helmet of gray hair so intense that makes me wonder how anyone is able to have a conversation with him without laughing or getting trapped in it.

Went to the Ralph Fiennes play last night. We were in the 5th row, center, so I got quite a good look. Nice. I'd like to think he winked at me at one point. James Earl Jones was at the end of our row. I had to go past him to get to my seat - he was talking so I got to hear "the voice" first hand. As I passed him I meant to say I love your work, but I think what I said was "I love you." He let it go.

August 11th: Famke Janssen walking down Kenmare Street with a little black dog and man. They walked into the Corner Deli restaurant around 1am.

Spotted Keri Russell on West 11th and Bleecker, heading past the park by Magnolia. She looked beautiful and had absolutely gorgeous hair.

5pm, 18th St & 8th Ave., a blonde Matthew Modine was dressed for the neighborhood in manpris, a blue polo, and matching baseball cap. He was riding on top of his beach cruiser bicycle, talking shop in the street with a portly Latino man. All i got was how it was too bad, because some show had had a really long run. Did I mention he looked positively flaming?

Vanessa Carleton walking her dog and sometime boyfriend (that guy who's the lead singer of Third Eye Blind) (Stephan Jenkins, duh—ed) on Union Sq South in front of Whole Foods on 8/10 at 5:20pm. She looked thin, and he looked distracted and surprisingly tall. Overheard her saying "...remember when I called you from San Francisco, crying?" He went into Whole Foods and she stayed outside with the dog.

I saw James Gandolfini at 7:30 tonight, walking on Jane Street. Probably heading back to the Gansevoort hotel where they are shooting the sopranos. I was surprised how big he actually was and felt intimidated; but i think Tony Soprano was more wary of me, gawking in my black hoodie.

Tuesday afternoon: Robin Roberts on the corner of 53rd and Lexington. Looking like a power lesbian in short athletic shorts.

Saw Vincent D' Onofrio at 3pm getting his hair cut at Bumble and Bumble on 56th st. He was sitting right next to me, getting his haircut while reading a script.

Saw Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson at "The History Boys" performance Tuesday night. He was wearing a black polo and jeans. I would hate to be him during intermission, as he was constantly being chatted up by some obnoxious people, and spent all his time (quite nicely I think) signing autographs and posing for photos. Rita was able to escape to the bathroom.

Saw an incredibly handsome Matt Dillon having dinner by the bar at Caf Habana last night, accompanied by 2 lovely ladies. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, very classy, and my cousin saw him at IFC earlier for a movie premiere. She and her boyfriend were ecstatic to spot him on their last night here (first time visitors from Toronto), and they even kept it New York cool by casually gawking

Saw Michael Imperioli walk into Tarallucci's, looking smokin' hot...all tan and in a suit.

Walking up Sixth Ave at 16th Street ... saw a scruffy Dylan McDermott and an almost look-alike pal chatting on the corner. As is always the case, he looks shorter in real life than he does on television. But he definitely looks ... manly.

I saw Ludacris, aka Chris Bridges, at Philippe Monday night. He got out of a black chauffeur-driven Escalade with a bodyguard. He was much smaller than I thought he was and he is sporting a new no-dreads haircut. Because of the haircut I wasn't sure it was him until I heard his distinctive sexy voice. He was later joined in the restaurant by two beautiful females. One of them looked very familiar, perhaps from music videos or something.

Saw Campbell Scott at Washington Sq. Park yesterday shooting a film, getting ready for his close up, very professional, very concentrated, sporting sexy salt and pepper hair... and that lovely stentorian voice of his. We love you, Campbell! (I wanted to scream and hurl myself into his arms, but didn't).

August 8th: Sat behind James Franco at Mother Courage and Her Children. He was accompanied by a male friend. James had a great tan and his smile melts. He even cleaned up his garbage before leaving the theater: what a nice guy!

Encountered the lovely Erika Christensen as she was waiting to pick up a prescription this morning at Elm Drug on 1st Ave @ 17th between 11:15—>noon. The store—a beloved neighborhood mom and pop outfit—was in the middle of an unannounced conversion into a Walgreen's, and the pharmacy area was complete anarchy with loads of elderly wheelchair-bound Stuy Town residents blowing their stacks over the incompetence of the new employees (prescriptions that were supposed to be ready in 20-30 minutes were taking about 90 minutes). But she remained as calm as can be in the middle of this near-riot and was way polite to the staff as they made mistake after mistake putting her insurance info through the system. None of the employees or customers seemed to recognize her. She was showing a lot of skin—she was sporting a very short skirt and a short, tight t-shirt that exposed plenty o' midriff, and the view made the long wait and crap service a lot easier to tolerate. I walked by a film crew on the way home, which made me realize she could have been on a break from doing location stuff from her new ABC series "Six Degrees".

Saw Marisa Tomei and her agent (my friend knew him) coming out of the 60 Thompson hotel on Tuesday night at about 9:30pm. She was cute and tiny.

Don't know if this counts (I think her sexy turn in Wedding Crashers may just legitimize her), but I saw Jane Seymour dining at Artisanal last night with a large party. She looked bored, but quite pretty and looking like what you'd expect with gorgeous, long hair and sparkling eyes.

Saw Liv Tyler pushing a stroller (and child) with another mom/stroller/child at Amy's Bread in Chelsea Market. Perhaps stopping in for the half-price bread after 5pm deal???

The always gorgeous Lucy Liu came into BLT Fish restaurant tonight. Her hair was short, I almost didn't recognize her at first. She looked very hot. A little while later Ashley Olsen came in wearing one of those wrap scarf things she never seems to leave home without. She looked cute though.

Maya Rudolph at the new coffee bar Aroma on Houston & Greene, confident in her 4 inch heels at 1030 in the am.

Whoopi Goldberg with a driver and bodyguard (Whoopi needs a bodyguard?) fumbling with her keys outside her apartment on Spring and Wooster...

Was at Kuma Inn last night around 9 PM when Justin Long walked in, wearing his "I'm a Mac" costume, and with an incredibly attractive model-type. Amazing to see that he's already pulling that kind of tail.