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Update: This news is two months old. Had we googled "GigaOmniMedia" instead of "Giga Omni Media," we would have known.

What do you do when you turn your personal blog into a media empire? You don't leave your name on it (unless you're Matt Drudge, and thank god you're not). That's why the tech & business blog GigaOM will soon be part of Giga Omni Media.

Blogger Jeremy Wright discovered the domain hidden in some related HTML coding. That domain is registered to GigaOM founder Om Malik (pictured), who bought it in June.

Jeremy concludes that this is the new parent company for GigaOM, and a source confirmed this to me.

"Giga Omni Media." Has a flair to it, no?

Om Malik: Giga Omni Media []