So everybody loves Contagious Festival, right? Oh, you know, HuffPo's monthly contest that allows "original work by talented designers, activists, filmmakers and comics" to share their Snakes on a Plane parody with the world? Still not ringing a bell? Eh, either way, things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Accusations of favoritism and manipulation have reared their ugly heads. Look:

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Something's fishy in HuffPo land, alright. Who's responsible for this stunning malfeasance? Jealous auteur Rachel Sklar? Saggy-necked scribbler Nora Ephron? Clooney-quoting mogul Arianna herself? We want answers, people.

Actually, no we don't. As you were.

Sub-Iraqian Homesick Blues... [HuffPo]

Earlier: HuffPo Tickle Tape Only Tolerable If You Imagine Porn Music Soundtrack In Background