Job wagging: Fetch Andy Baron's coffee
There's a big world of work out in the Valley. We skimmed the cream off the top — and then threw it out so we could feed you these job listings.
- Video blog Rocketboom wants an intern and a Final Cut Pro video editor. You'll be working for show producer Andy Baron. Interns, see if you can get him to accidentally give you three percent of his share, giving ex-host Amanda Congdon a controlling interest. [Hidden Work]
- MySpace needs a Creative Services Manager, who directs the making of fake-o advertising profiles (like the Honda Element profile). The CSM "develops and enforces style guidelines internally and externally to ensure all creative meets established quality standards." The CSM also cries into a bottle of gin after realizing that their job is making MySpace pages look pretty. [CrunchBoard]
- And in the "sketchiest posting" category, a three-line posting for game programmers says "there is no minimum time commitment" for the job. Sure, sure, that's Electronic Arts's pickup line too. [Craigslist]