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Uh oh. There's trouble a-brewin' over in the Conde stables:

Wired News has removed three articles from its website after an internal investigation failed to confirm the authenticity of a source used in the stories.

"Tribal Curse Haunts Launch Pad" (June 27, 2006), "NASA Boosts Heart-Monitoring Tech" (July 7, 2006) and "Don't Flush It — Breathe It" (July 14, 2006), all by Philip Chien, relied in part on quotes and citations from Robert Ash, described in the first two stories as a "space historian" and in the last as an "aeronautical engineer and amateur space historian."

This would probably be a bigger deal if, you know, anyone actually read Wired News. But we're sure they'll handle this in the appropriate manner; it's not like they lack experience in this area.

Wired News Writer Faked Info [Wired]
Wired Amends Stories With Fabricated Quotes [Slashdot]