Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map; this is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this edition of the Stalk: The Spielberg brood, Winona Ryder, Kate Hudson and Orlando Bloom, Jack Nicholson, Adrien Brody, Adrian Grenier, Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson, Ralph Fiennes, Julianna Margulies, Chloe Sevigny, Tim Robbins, Karolina Kurkova, Jimmy Fallon, Russell Crowe, Jude Law and Tim Roth, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Erika Christensen, Johnny Depp, David Remnick, Hilary Swank, Chris Noth, Ethan Hawke, Bill Murray, James Gandolfini, Sophia Coppola, Matt Dillon, Ryan Gosling, Michael Showalter, Malcolm Gladwell, Kristen Bell, Bernadette Peters, David Blaine, Jon Bon Jovi, and Ice T.

While waiting to pick up my daughter from the Pratt Institute Summer program in Brooklyn on Friday, I noticed a typical LA type woman, boobs, tight face, overdone trout lips, dressed like a 20 year old. Low and behold I pegged her right, it was Kate Capshaw waiting for her decidedly normal looking daughter to come out of the student exhibit. Said daughter (Sascha, I believe) came down stairs with her dad, none other than Steven Spielberg himself, dressed in Dockers shorts, a golf type polo shirt, baseball cap and sandals. Very normal looking family except for the Botox-heavy Capshaw. They were in Brooklyn, so I hope that counts. One kid hugged the daughter and said "I'm going to come see you in LA", my first thought was, "What he really wants is a job," but I could just be a cynic.

Winona Ryder yesterday on Broadway somewhere between Prince and Houston. It was about 5pm, and she was decked out in a black floppy hat and sunglasses, looking beautifully ordinary. Not a helmet anywhere to be seen, nor did she look like your garden variety shoplifter.

Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom — August 6, 6pm, Sant Ambreous @ West 4th and Perry Sts. Having a cozy meal which, thankfully, was clearly not Kate's only food for the week. She ain't Blue Crush buff yet, but is mercifully past that scrawny phase of recent months and looked great.

Just saw Jack Nicholson at Da Silvano in the village eating dinner with his kids and a very strange unidentified woman in a ridiculous hat. Very pleasant.

8/7/06—Mr. Adrien Brody, 1:15 pm, exiting the Intermix on Prince Street. He was with two girls, both unknown, one wearing a yellow off the shoulder shirt and boots and nothing else, stupidly enough. He, however, looked stunning in jeans and a black t-shirt, aviators, and messy hair. Would have liked to have sexually assaulted him, but had a 1:30 meeting.

I was coming back to my office from a coffee run, around 1:10ish, when a yellow T shirt-clad Adrien Grenier breezed past, walking west on 38th Street between 5th and 6th. Seemed to be in a minor rush—but oh! Do the eyes have it...yum

I just walked by Schiller's on my way home tonight (around 12:30) just as Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson, Ralph Fiennes, and an unidentified woman were coming out, all very loud and boisterous (i.e. drunk). The foursome got into a black SUV waiting outside and drove away. Liam Neeson is huge—he towered over the rest of the group. Looked like they were all having a mighty fine time.

Spotted a lovely Julianna Margulies at Jane Restaurant on West Houston, accompanied by a hot young stud (clearly 20 years her junior), wearing an outdated trucker hat! Ha! Both were canoodling in a corner banquette. Proof celebs do eat: They quickly consumed strawberry shortcake, with what looked like moscato.

Saw Chloe Sevigny dining al fresco and looking very much like anyone else (a bit tired, no makeup). I thought she was someone who only looked a lot like Chloe Sevigny. My bf had no idea who Chloe Sevigny was, so when I mentioned she was there he yelled, "Chloe? I like your work!" to which she only shrugged and gave him a thumbs up.

7 pm Sun. 8/6 Tim Robbins playing roller hockey at Houston & 6th Ave. He was having a great time. Hard to miss....even with the baseball cap....he's so tall. Even taller wearing those inline skates. Impressive how he can race around on those things.

Karolina Kurkova at Citarella in East Hampton, so pretty, tall, and super thin, what a shock.

After finishing lunch at gramercy tavern, spotted Jimmy Fallon bouncing a baby on his knee at a window table in the tavern section. Looking a bit awkward, with greasy and poorly streaked hair.

McCarren Park, Williamsburg, on the way to pick up my dog from the kennel, drove by a ridiculously massive film production encompassing about thirty square blocks of the north side. Slowed to a stop in front of the Turkey's Nest, and who should be chumming up to some PA on the corner but an strangely babyfaced Russell Crowe. What an asshole. I had to park about a thousand blocks from the kennel because the production had blocked off all the street parking with orange cones. How is that legal, Bloomy? I called 311 to complain.

Spotted Jude Law at 3am Friday, Aug 4, at Cafe Noir in soho having a beer and cigarette with Tim Roth. He looked really scruffy in a white wife beater—Tim Roth looked much cooler.

Around 12:00 saw a flat-chested super skinny Kelly Ripa and her Hot Ass Husband Mark Consuelos walking to the corner of West Broadway and Broome. Both Looking as beautiful as ever. Then saw Erika Christensen filming the TV series "Six Degrees" in Soho on Wooster. I never thought of her as a very attractive actress- but of course she looked gorgeous and skinny; just makes you realize how ugly normal people are.

Was heading into Balthazar today for a late lunch and saw Johnny Depp and what looked like a business associate leaving. Johnny was smoking hot as always. Purple tinted sunglasses, Jack Sparrow scruff. Yum.

August 8, 2006, 7:35 am: 79th between Central Park West and Columbus. Smart is sexy: saw New Yorker chief David Remnick jogging. He lives in the area. Navy shorts, white t-shirt, oversized silver headphones.

Spotted Hilary Swank in the West Village yesterday around W.10th St. and Bleecker. She was dressed casually, wearing a tank top and is tiny, tiny, tiny (but buff) in person. She seemed to be hanging with a male friend of hers.

Saw Chris Noth on Greenwich Ave between 6th Ave and Christopher St. on Mon 8/7 around 6:30pm. He had his Mr. Big look going on. Wearing a blue button down shirt and had something that looked like pages from a script in his hand. There were lots of trailers around, so I think they were filming Law & Order.

Saw Ethan Hawke on the corner of 23rd and 9th at 7:15pm on Aug. 3rd walking with a boy and a girl (presumably his own), and a blonde woman (presumably his assistant/nanny). Shorter than I thought, but aren't they all?

I saw Bill Murray today at 5:30pm walking up 5th avenue at Washington Square Park. He was wearing a T-shirt, on his head! He almost stepped on my dog and I almost fell over the curb. Good times.

Sunday, August 6, 2006. We saw James Gandolfini and his family on the boardwalk at Seaside Heights. We saw him several times between 6pm and 9:30pm. My husband introduced himself and we took some pictures. We even have a video of him on the roller coaster with his son. A lot of people recognized him but for the most part left him alone and didn't hound him too much. He is very tall and lost some weight. He looked good and was friendly, gave a few autographs and took pictures with some people. He won two huge stuffed basketballs for his kids. Seemed like a nice, normal family.

We saw Sophia Coppola coming out of seeing "Talladega Nights" with us at the Battery Park Theatre on Friday night 8/4 at 9:15pm. She was so small she made a tiny black pillowcase dress look like a potato sack. She was with three very normal looking friends.

While standing outside of Botanica on Houston and Mulberry on Saturday night, Matt Dillon walked by with a couple friends. Looking appropriately disheveled for the Lower East Side, he and his friends had to wait 5 minutes or so before an empty cab pulled up.

Saw Ryan Gosling singing karaoke at Mr. Biggs on 43rd and 10th Friday Night, Aug. 4th. (He sang "My Way" by Sinatra.)

Thursday night at the pizza place on Stanton and Orchard, Michael Showalter of Stella, The Baxter, etc. He was awkwardly chatting with pretty brunette. Didn't seem to be romantic, though he did keep checking out her cleavage.

4:10 p.m., Friday, Aug. 4, Malcolm Gladwell at 49th and 5th Ave. Was wearing shorts and a t-shirt (possibly Strand books shirt). Carrying Toys R Us bag. Hailing cab.

Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars outside 40 West 57th St, @ 9am. She was talking with Opie & Anthony, signing autographs for fans.

3:30 pm, Columbus and 75th, 8/6/06 (Sunday): Bernadette Peters wearing really bizarre tiny sunglasses perched on the end of her nose with tons of clips in her wet curly hair (it is a drying technique for curly hair) wearing jeans and some kind of brocade-y patchy looking vest, talking to a short male companion. Despite her bizarre attire, her body was looking incredible for a 58 year old woman!

About 1am tonight (8-7-06), at Blue Ribbon on Sullivan St: a Mercedes 500-series pulls up, sits for a while, then out steps David Blaine. He looks tall, buff, and heavier then on the usual TV stunts. He comes in, talks to the waiters and host for a while, then eventually leaves with what appears to be 2 large bags of takeout food. He has some discussion with a woman in the car, then comes back in and eventually leaves with a bottle of wine, wrapped up decorative foil (takeout wine?).

Jon Bon Jovi at Bamboo in East Hampton waiting in line to use the men's room somewhat impatiently; he was shorter than expected.

Saw Ice T & his entourage in Little Italy on Mulberry Street, in front of Angelo's.