A special treat for you this morning, just because you deserve it: not one, but two standout Hud Morgan moments from last night's episode of Tabloid Wars. First, Lloyd Grove's former gossip slave goes to lunch with Lizzie Grubman and — oh yes! — Jonathan fucking Cheban. So good to see his face again! As this was filmed last summer, we're watching footage of Cheban during those happy times before the fall from greatness, before Lizzie Grubman sent him packing for douchey. Now, the poor thing doesn't even get his last name on air. But dry your eyes and enjoy the irony as Hud complains about a venue being "saturated with, like, a cheesy banker crowd" and "fratastic douchebags."

And the extra dosage: Feel Hud's pain as he is ruthlessly mocked by Grove and EIC Michael Cooke for wearing flip-flops. Bonus mockery when Grove brings up Cooke's rumored foot fetish.

Earlier: Gawker's Happily Insipid Coverage of 'Tabloid Wars'