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Last week, View co-ho Elisabeth Hasselbeck delighted millions by shamelessly losing control of herself on live television, allowing her unbridled, right-wing passion to run amok without any consideration for her co-hosts on the matter of Plan B, the morning-after killing tool of innocent ovarian linings everywhere. According to Ken Tucker at Entertainment Weekly, later Hasselbeck indirectly shed light on her madness, demonstrating that her self-righteous blood runs very deep:

Two days later, she revealed the harsh mistress beneath her genial thoughtlessness by telling an anecdote about encountering a babysitter whom Hasselbeck felt was neglecting her young charges on a New York City street. She freely admitted to yelling at the young woman and read a description of her (she'd taken notes!) so that the girl would be identified and fired... and so, presumably, would scores of other babysitters who may have fit that description. Woe unto you should you be the luckless waitress, taxi driver, or other service employee who does not behave as Ms. Hasselbeck thinks you should.

We're betting incoming host Rosie O'Donnell's lifestyle choices are going to prompt quite a few private meetings between Hasselbeck and the producers. "Are you AWARE that she sleeps with WOMEN? And that the BIBLE says that's BAD?!"

5 Reasons to Live [EW]
Earlier: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Loses Her Shit